Authors: Gholamreza Moazenijula A R Jabbari M Moradi Geravand R Banihashemi A Hajizadeh
Publish Date: 2011/06/23
Volume: 43, Issue: 8, Pages: 1471-1474
The anaphylactic reactions in cattle following leptospira vaccination mostly booster dose in different parts of Iran have been reported The serum proteins as allergic substances are components of liquid phase of the vaccine Therefore the vaccine was modified by washing the whole cultures by centrifugations The modified vaccine was safe in laboratory animals and cattle as well as under field conditions Microagglutination test revealed a similar pattern of antibody response to the three Leptospira interrogans serovars Canicola Grippotyphosa and Sejro hardjo in all vaccinated cattle groups while was higher than the response of control animals The results of the present investigation revealed that we can minimize postvaccination shock in vaccinated cattle populations with removing the shock proteinsThe authors would like to thank Dr Moghadam pour deputy director and Dr Behroozikhah manager of Veterinary Bacterial Vaccines Production of RVSRI for their support and official help and Dr Roozbazar from Iranian Veterinary Organization Bushehr province for his kind cooperation to conduct the field trials We also thank all the staff of Aerobic Veterinary Bacterial Vaccine Department RVSRI for their laboratory assistance