Authors: I Grinberg V Lanton O V Gendelman
Publish Date: 2012/03/28
Volume: 69, Issue: 4, Pages: 1889-1902
The system under investigation comprises a linear oscillator coupled to a strongly asymmetric 2 degreeoffreedom 2DOF purely cubic nonlinear energy sink NES under harmonic forcing We study periodic quasiperiodic and chaotic response regimes of the system in the vicinity of 11 resonance and evaluate the abilities of the 2DOF NES to mitigate the vibrations of the primary system Earlier research showed that single degreeoffreedom SDOF NES can efficiently mitigate the undesired oscillations if limited to relatively low forcing amplitudes In this paper we demonstrate that the additional degreeoffreedom of the NES considerably broadens the range of amplitudes where efficient mitigation is possible Efficiency limits of the system with the 2DOF NES are evaluated numerically Analytic approximations for simple response regimes are also developed