Authors: Akif Akgul Haris Calgan Ismail Koyuncu Ihsan Pehlivan Ayhan Istanbullu
Publish Date: 2015/11/23
Volume: 84, Issue: 2, Pages: 481-495
There has recently been an increase in the number of new chaotic system designs and chaosbased engineering applications In this study since homoclinic and heteroclinic orbits did not exist and analyses like Shilnikov method could not be used a 3D chaotic system without equilibrium points was included and thus different engineering applications especially for encryption studies were realized The 3D chaotic system without equilibrium points represents a new different phenomenon and an almost unexplored field of research First of all chaotic system without equilibrium points was examined as the basis and electronic circuit application of the chaotic system was realized and oscilloscope outputs of phase portraits were obtained Later chaotic system without equilibrium points was modelled on Labview Field Programmable Gate Array FPGA and then FPGA chip statistics phase portraits and oscilloscope outputs were derived With another study VHDL and RK4 algorithm were used and a new FPGAbased chaotic oscillators design was achieved Results of Labviewbased design on FPGA and VHDLbased design were compared Results of chaotic oscillator units designed here were gained via Xilinx ISE Simulator Finally a new chaosbased RNG design was achieved and internationally accepted FIPS1401 and NIST80022 randomness tests were run Furthermore video encryption application and security analyses were carried out with the RNG designed here