Authors: Man Ye Lezhi Li Yingxia Li Ruoling Shen Shali Wen Jingping Zhang
Publish Date: 2013/09/27
Volume: 118, Issue: 2, Pages: 515-522
There are few short scales focused on life satisfaction for adolescents in China This study aims to investigate the reliability and validity of the Chinese version of the Brief Multidimensional Students’ Life Satisfaction Scale BMSLSS by survey of a random sample of 2406 adolescents aged from 12 to 18 years old in Hunan China Internal consistency reliability was 0772 0742 and 0799 for the total sample the boys and the girls respectively test–retest reliability ranged from 0807 to 0913 for five items and the total BMSLSS all item total correlations ranged from 0580 to 0740 while inter item correlations ranged from 0189 to 0465 All five items were found to be loaded satisfactorily on a single factor model BMSLSS was highly correlated with overall satisfaction and selfesteem There were significant differences between genders for domains of friends school and self and for overall life satisfaction We conclude that the Chinese version of the BMSLSS is a reliable and valid instrument with good construct validity for Chinese adolescents of both gendersThis work was funded by the Natural Science Fund of Hunan Province 06JJ4045 and the Scholarship Award for Excellent Doctoral Students granted by the Ministry of Education 107801006 We are grateful to Professor E Scott Huebner at the University of South Carolina for permission to use the BMSLSS in our research We thank all the teachers who helped us recruit the participants We are also grateful to all the students and their caregivers who so willingly participated in this study