Authors: Mónica Sofía GómezSalcedo Luis Armando GalvisAponte Vicente Royuela
Publish Date: 2016/01/06
Volume: 130, Issue: 3, Pages: 911-936
Quality of work QoW encompasses multiple objective and subjective dimensions which may include labor income job stability job satisfaction and social security This paper follows the method proposed by GómezSalcedo et al 2013 that introduces a new way of measuring QoW which consists of 1 the use of Sen’s functioning and capabilities approach and 2 a fuzzy sets method to define membership to the sets of good job quality Using the Gran Encuesta Integrada de Hogares we obtain results at the national level about age gender educational level firm size and industry sector The results are consistent with previous literature One topic that is highlighted from our results is the existence of a “Quality of Work Life Cycle” with higher levels of the index up to age 30 that may have critical implications for the social security system people with lower quality jobs may not be contributing to health and pension funds leaving many people without access to a retirement fund and implying more demands on the subsidized system to cover health expensesThis research was was made possible by a grant from Colombia’s national research council COLCIENCIAS which during 2014 funded research exchange visits between the University of Barcelona and the Observatorio del Caribe Colombiano Vicente Royuela was thereby able to visit the Observatorio in Cartagena de Indias and Mónica GómezSalcedo was able to visit the University of Barcelona Any errors are responsibility of the authors alone Vicente Royuela also acknowledges the support of ECO201341022R