Publish Date: 1989/07/01
Volume: 3, Issue: 4, Pages: 305-311
The CarpentierEdwards porcine valve bioprosthesis was implanted in 299patients 325 prostheses from April 1976 to April 1982 The seriesconsisted of aortic valve replacement in 150 patients mitral valvereplacement in 120 multiple valve replacement in 26 pulmonary valvereplacement in 2 and tricuspid valve replacement in 1 patient Thepostoperative followup was 100 complete The total accumulated follow upwas 1956 patientyears The early mortality was 64 20 patients and thelate mortality was 22 62 patients Valverelated mortality was seen in 8patients 27 1 paravalvular leak during the 1st 30 postoperative daysand 7 late mortalities 1 endocarditis 2 paravalvular leaks and 4 deathsduring reoperation Three operative deaths 15 occurred The overallpatient survival including operative deaths was 785 +/ 5 at 5 years and66 +/ 4 at 10 years The incidence of the different complications werethromboembolism in 5 patients 17 with a risk of 03 haemorrhage in 103 with a risk of 005 endocarditis in 2 07 with a risk of 01and paravalvular leak in 11 patients 37 with a risk of 06 There wasa high incidence of tissue failure during the last 6 years which occurredin 54 patients 18 with a risk of 27 Sixty seven patients 225were reoperated upon during the 11 years with an annual risk of 34 andthe main cause of reoperation was primary tissue failure TheCarpentierEdwards biological valve was shown to be efficient during thefirst 5 years of implantation after which the incidence of tissue failureincreasedABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS