Publish Date: 1991/05/01
Volume: 5, Issue: 5, Pages: 230-234
The treatment of hypothyroidism in patients undergoing coronary arterybypass surgery is a difficult clinical problem To determine perioperativethyroid replacement therapy in patients with hypothyroidism plasma totalthyroxine T4 total triiodothyroxine T3 free T4 free T3 andthyroidstimulating hormone levels were measured preoperatively and at 12 3 7 and 14 days after operation in 9 patients with hypothyroidism andwere compared with levels in 14 patients with normal thyroid function whounderwent coronary bypass surgery In the normal control group total T4decreased to its lowest level on the 1st postoperative day and thenincreased gradually to the preoperative level at 7 days Total T4 remainedwithin the normal range throughout the entire postoperative course In 6patients with hypothyroidism who were treated with thyroid hormone beforesurgery total T4 decreased immediately after operation and only increasedafter starting thyroid replacement therapy In 3 hypothyroid patientswithout prior thyroid replacement total T4 showed a change similar topatients in the control group but remained below the normal range untilstarting thyroid replacement therapy Coronary bypass surgery was performedsafely in patients with hypothyroidism Preoperative thyroid replacementwith suboptimal doses was safe in patients with severe hypothyroidismAdequate postoperative thyroid replacement was achieved in all patientswithout complications