Publish Date: 1994/11/01
Volume: 8, Issue: 11, Pages: 585-588
Pleural empyema is a disease which is not always recognized Despiteconsecutive treatment and antibiotics its mortality rate is still highespecially in older patients with concomitant disease or in the case ofdelayed treatment We report our experience with early videoassistedthoracoscopic surgery of pleural empyema in 13 patients where chest tubedrainage had failed The clinical symptoms of empyema did not exceed 14days bacteriologic cultures were positive in 62 In all patients thefever disappeared within 1 to 5 days mean 35 post operatively and theyremained in hospital for an average of 115 days after videoassistedthoracoscopic surgery Pulmonary function tests 6 months later revealednormal values without a substantial loss of lung volumes No relapse ofempyema occurred