Publish Date: 1991/09/01
Volume: 5, Issue: 9, Pages: 479-485
Surgical treatment of airway obstruction associated with congenital heart disease in infants and small children European Journal of CardioThoracic Surgery Volume 5 Issue 9 September 1991 Pages 479–485 https//doiorg/101016/1010794091901449In the last 12 years 21 patients age 1 month to 5 years median 7months underwent surgical treatment for severe airway obstructionassociated with congenital heart disease Plicosuspension of the pulmonaryartery was carried out in 14 patients with documented severe left bronchialcompression by a distended pulmonary artery together with repair ofventricular septal defects 11 patients repair of large coronary arteryfistula 1 division of ductus 1 and pulmonary artery banding 1 withsubsequent significant relief of compression Aortopexy was used in 2patients with documented severe tracheal compression by a right aorticarch Five patients had congenital tracheal stenoses 3 extensive 2localized Two of 3 patients with associated complex intracardiacanomalies underwent concomitant repair of both lesions with the use ofcardiopulmonary bypass and 1 had a tracheoplasty and pulmonary arterybanding Tracheal reconstruction with a cartilaginous graft together withrepair of pulmonary artery sling was carried out in 2 infants Nineteenpatients are alive and well at a mean followup of 87 months Inconclusion we advocate early aggressive surgical intervention to bothlesions to obtain a better result in the management of infants and smallchildren with this difficult and often fatal combination