Authors: Akira Takabayashi Kenji Ihara Yuka Sasaki Koichi Kusuhara Sankei Nishima Toshiro Hara
Publish Date: 1999/08
Volume: 44, Issue: 5, Pages: 352-
Thank you for visiting naturecom You are using a browser version with limited support for CSS To obtain the best experience we recommend you use a more up to date browser or turn off compatibility mode in Internet Explorer In the meantime to ensure continued support we are displaying the site without styles and JavaScriptWe found a novel polymorphism C/T change at position 34 counting from the first ATG codon of the interleukin4 IL4 gene located between the TATA box and the first ATG on exon 1 The allelic frequency of this C/T polymorphism in 64 independent Japanese samples was 037 063 In addition PCRrestriction fragment length polymorphism analysis revealed that the 34T/T polymorphism was always associated with 590T/T a known polymorphism that increases IL4 transcriptional activity