Authors: Zehra Ayhan Q Howard Zhang
Publish Date: 2003/08/15
Volume: 217, Issue: 4, Pages: 365-368
Nondestructive testing by the ultrasonic imaging method was evaluated to determine the heat seal quality of aseptically produced semi rigid cups sealed at temperatures ranging from 150 to 200 °C Noncontact ultrasonic testing in pulse/echo mode using high frequency sound waves generated by a 20 MHz ultrasonic transducer was used to evaluate heatseal quality In order to relate ultrasonic response with the actual seal condition various seal regions of a semi rigid container were sectioned for optical microscopic imaging and seal characterization Results showed that ultrasonic signals could reflect the effects of the sealing process on the seal integrity Change in the ultrasonic signals indicated an insufficient or nonuniform heat seal at sealing temperatures of 150–170 °C resulting in weak seals or discontinuities Short seal width was observed at all sealing temperatures indicating unparallel alignment of the sealing tool Optical imaging correlated well with ultrasonic imaging However uniformity of heat seal did not correlate well with the magnitude of the ultrasonic signal possibly due to nonuniform surfaces of heat seals These results suggest that this nondestructive ultrasonic inspection system detects the quality of heat seals which can eliminate potential failures and improve process controlThe authors acknowledge the partial project funding provided by Research Foundation of Mustafa Kemal University Project no 02 B 0603 Project funding was provided by US DSCP CORANET program to The Ohio State University The ultrasonic measurements were performed in Edison Welding Institute EWI in Columbus