Authors: Mariarosa Maimone Artur Manukyan Peter Q Tranchida Martin Steinhaus
Publish Date: 2016/11/04
Volume: 243, Issue: 6, Pages: 969-977
The volatile fraction isolated from dried shoots of Heracleum transcaucasicum Manden syn Heracleum pastinacifolium C Koch by solvent extraction and solventassisted flavour evaporation was screened for odouractive compounds by application of an aroma extract dilution analysis In the flavour dilution FD factor range of 1–2048 51 odorants were detected among which soup seasoninglike smelling sotolon 3hydroxy45dimethyl25Hfuranone showed the highest FD factor 2048 Its characteristic odour which closely matched the overall aroma of the dried shoots in combination with its high FD factor and the absence of any further odouractive compound exhibiting a similar smell suggested that sotolon constitutes the character impact compound in the aroma of H transcaucasicum Stable isotope dilution quantitation using 13C2sotolon as internal standard revealed a concentration of ~12 mg/kg sotolon in dried H transcaucasicum shoots which is several orders of magnitude higher than its odour detection threshold Further quantitation experiments revealed that during traditional culinary use sotolon is transferred from H transcaucasicum shoots in odouractive amounts to Armenian karshm soup