Authors: A Rameshkumar T Sivasudha R Jeyadevi D Arul Ananth G Pradeepha
Publish Date: 2012/04/04
Volume: 234, Issue: 6, Pages: 1063-1070
The present study was carried out to evaluate the effect of environmental factors air and UVC irradiation on various common fruits juices lemon orange papaya and grape Total phenolics total ascorbic acid AA content and antioxidant capability were determined in atmospheric air oxidation on fresh fruit juices and the effect of UVC irradiation on AA was investigated in both fresh fruit juices and commercial AA using RPHPLC The total phenolics content was found to be 9246 ± 15 4153 ± 21 13856 ± 23 and 11054 ± 39 mg/100 ml of lemon orange papaya and grape juices respectively DPPH radical–scavenging activity of the fresh juices was 9453 ± 31 8236 ± 22 9465 ± 35 and 9074 ± 26 percentage whereas the 1dayold fruit juices showed reduced scavenging activity when compared to fresh juices Total phenolic TP and DPPHscavenging activity were significantly decreased in the mean at P 005 level Ascorbic acid vitamin C content of fresh fruit juices was determined through RPHPLC fruit juices that were kept in open container for 24 hrs and that were treated with UV irradiation have shown a decrease in AA content when compared with control fresh juice samples AA degradation increased with high significant differences at P 0001 level with the increase in oxidation time in atmospheric air and UVC radiationWe thank University Grants Commission India for UGC Research Fellowship in Science for Meritorious students under NonSAP programme and Bharathidasan University for providing University research scholar fellowship We also thank the Department of Chemistry Bharathidasan University Tiruchirappalli for providing facility to carry out absorbance spectroscopy analysis