Authors: Eduard Dàvila Elena Saguer Mónica Toldrà Carmen Carretero Dolors Parés
Publish Date: 2006/12/20
Volume: 226, Issue: 1-2, Pages: 207-214
The solubility foaming and emulsifying properties of porcine blood plasma and its main protein fractions serum globulins and albumin were investigated at pH 45 60 and 75 in order to clarify the contribution of each fraction and encourage the optimisation of plasmaderived products Soluble protein contents above 85 were obtained in all samples Plasma serum and albumin showed good foaming capacities reasonably similar at different pH conditions although the highest foam stability corresponded to both albumin and plasma at pH 45 and 60 All protein fractions showed good emulsifying activities but the stability of the formed emulsions decreased with acidification being emulsions of albumin and globulins at pH 75 the most stable ones In addition the interaction indexes calculated to investigate protein–protein interactions revealed synergistic interactions between albumin and globulins when in cooccurrence in their foaming capacity at pH 60 and 75 and in the stability of emulsions at pH 45 and 60 but slightly negative effects in the solubility of the mixture and a great decrease in the stability of emulsions at pH 75 On the other hand the elimination of fibrinogen improved the stability of emulsions and foams at acidic conditionsThis work was financially supported by the Spanish Government MCYTAGL200406077/ALI Authors also want to acknowledge the Departament d’Universitats Recerca i Societat de la Informació of the Generalitat de Catalunya for a research fellowship We gratefully acknowledge N Carbó for helpful technical assistance