Authors: V V Panić A B Dekanski T R Vidaković V B MiškovićStanković B Ž Javanović B Ž Nikolić
Publish Date: 2004/07/03
Volume: 9, Issue: 1, Pages: 43-54
The oxidation of phenol on the RuO2–TiO2/Ti electrode has been studied by cyclic voltammetry polarization measurements electrochemical impedance spectroscopy and potentiostatic transients in H2SO4 and NaCl aqueous solutions A reaction path with polymerization as the main reaction and side reactions after the initial step similar to the reaction path on other electrode materials is suggested The formation of a phenoxy radical in a diffusioncontrolled irreversible process is the initial step The polymerization of phenoxy radicals leads to the formation of porous polyoxyphenylene film strongly adherent to the electrode surface The cyclic voltammetry measurements indicate side products which could be according to the literature of quinonelike structure Polyoxyphenylene film inhibits further oxidation of phenol although complete electrode passivation was not observed The presence of polyoxyphenylene film does not influence the pseudocapacitive behaviour of the electrode to a great extent since the polyoxyphenylene film covers dominantly the coating surface while active sites placed within coating cracks remain uncovered The film seems to be permeable for hydrogen ions and water molecules