Authors: AnwarulHaq Ali Shah Rudolf Holze
Publish Date: 2005/09/30
Volume: 11, Issue: 1, Pages: 38-51
Electroactive conducting copolymers of aniline ANI and oaminophenol OAP and twolayered polyoaminophenol POAP/polyaniline PANI composites were prepared in aqueous acidic solution by electrode potential cycling Copolymerization was carried out at different feed concentrations of OAP and ANI on a gold electrode A strong inhibition of electropolymerization was found at a high molar fraction of OAP in the feed The copolymers showed good adherence on the electrode surface and gave a redox response up to pH=100 Two transitions were observed in the in situ conductivities of the copolymers as with PANI but the conductivities were lower by 25–3 orders of magnitude as compared to PANI Electrosynthesis of PANI on POAP modified electrodes showed copolymer formation after reaction initiation and finally formation of a PANI layer at the copolymer/solution interface The ‘memory effect’ of the bilayer structures of both polymers was discussed in terms of protonation/deprotonation and anion consumption taking place during redox processes of both polymersFinancial support by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft GRK 829/1 and assistance in preparing the manuscript by S Bilal are gratefully appreciated One of the authors AA Shah acknowledges financial support from the Higher Education Commission Islamabad Pakistan