Authors: Savvas Stafilidis Kiros Karamanidis Gaspar MoreyKlapsing Gianpiero DeMonte GertPeter Brüggemann Adamantios Arampatzis
Publish Date: 2005/02/24
Volume: 94, Issue: 3, Pages: 317-322
The strain and elongation of the vastus lateralis VL tendon tendon plus aponeurosis and aponeurosis were examined during maximal voluntary contractions on a Biodexdynamometer knee angle 115° hip angle 140° in 12 sprinters Following a warmup phase the subjects were instructed to perform a gradual maximal knee extension and hold it for about 3 s The kinematics of the leg were recorded using a Vicon 512 system with eight cameras operating at 120 Hz Ultrasonography images were taken simultaneously from the VL myotendinous junction and the mid lateral part of the VL muscle belly During the maximal isometric knee extensions the knee joint rotated 136±59° leading to an overestimation of the elongation of the tendinous tissues After correcting for this the maximal elongation of the VL tendon examined at the myotendinous junction was lower P005 than the maximal elongation of the VL tendon plus aponeurosis examined at the muscle belly 15 vs 27 mm respectively The maximal estimated strains of the tendon tendon plus aponeurosis and aponeurosis showed no statistical differences 8±2 8±1 and 7±2 respectively P005 It is concluded that the strains of the human VL tendon VL tendon plus aponeurosis and VL aponeurosis as estimated in vivo by two dimensional ultrasound during maximal isometric contractions do not differ from each other The displacement measured at a cross point in the VL muscle belly is significantly greater than that measured at the VL myotendinous junction