Authors: David C Paulus Raoul F Reiser Wade O Troxell
Publish Date: 2007/10/13
Volume: 102, Issue: 3, Pages: 299-305
The purpose of the research was to determine peak velocities for the reduced inertia squat exercise at various resistance levels based on an isometric strength assessment for both men and women On a Smith machine modified for pneumatic resistance 12 males and 12 females previously trained collegeage participants performed a maximal isometric strength assessment with knee angles of 90° 110° 130° 150° and 170° 180° = full extension followed by dynamic maximal effort squats with resistance maintained at 40 50 60 70 and 80 of their lowest maximum isometric strength No interaction existed between the men and women during isometric strength tests with the men stronger in every joint position P 005 The lowest isometric strength occurred at 90° without variation There was an interaction between men and women for peak lifting velocity during the dynamic lifts P = 0021 with the men producing higher velocities at all levels of resistance P 005 The difference in peak velocity between the sexes was greatest at the lowest resistance level and that difference was less significant at the higher resistance levels The relationship between resistance force and peak lifting velocity is applicable to increasing the efficiency of the squat by maximizing force output per repetition by varying the resistance as the lifter approaches peak velocity similar to isokinetics with preloading and active instead of reactive resistance