Authors: Salomine Theron Savvas Andronikou Jaco Du Plessis Pierre Goussard Reena George Ayanda Mapukata Marie Grobbelaar Murray Hayes Nicky Wieselthaler Alan Davidson
Publish Date: 2007/10/17
Volume: 37, Issue: 12, Pages: 1224-1229
Sequential chest radiographs of six children and CT scans of four of these children were evaluated retrospectively Their ages ranged from 18 months to 10 years four were male and two were female All six children were HIVpositive The observers were two radiologistsChest radiographs revealed airspace 100 and reticular 83 opacification in the mid and lower lung zones pleural effusions were present in 83 of the children All the children showed progressive airspace opacification on followup radiography CT demonstrated bilateral airspace opacification in a perihilar distribution in all the children reticular opacification was seen in 75 All the children had mediastinal and axillary lymphadenopathy 75 had bilateral hilar lymphadenopathy