Authors: Alex C Mamourian Jeremy R Hopkin Sanjeev Chawla Harish Poptani
Publish Date: 2010/03/25
Volume: 40, Issue: 8, Pages: 1446-1449
Fucosidosis is a rare lysosomal storage disorder that results in the deposition of the sugar fucose within various organs including the central nervous system Neuroimaging abnormalities on MR specifically T2 shortening in the basal ganglia have been reported as suggestive of fucosidosis A more recent report of MR spectroscopy MRS of one patient provided evidence that MRS is specific for fucosidosis We present another confirmed case with nearly identical MR spectroscopic findings along with in vitro data that support the contention that MR spectroscopy in the setting of typical clinical and imaging features is characteristic for this rare disorder