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Individual Variability in Brain Activity A Nuisan

Authors: John Darrell Van Horn Scott T Grafton Michael B Miller
Publish Date: 2008/10/15
Volume: 2, Issue: 4, Pages: 327-
PDF Link


Functional imaging research has been heavily influenced by results based on populationlevel inference However group average results may belie the unique patterns of activity present in the individual that ordinarily are considered random noise Recent advances in the evolution of MRI hardware have led to significant improvements in the stability and reproducibility of blood oxygen level dependent BOLD measurements These enhancements provide a unique opportunity for closer examination of individual patterns of brain activity Three objectives can be accomplished by considering brain scans at the individual level 1 Mapping functional anatomy at a fine grained analysis 2 Determining if an individual scan is normative with respect to a reference population and 3 Understanding the sources of intersubject variability in brain activity In this review we detail these objectives briefly discuss their histories and present recent trends in the analyses of individual variability Finally we emphasize the unique opportunities and challenges for understanding individual differences through international collaboration among Pacific Rim investigatorsThis work was made possible with the support of NIH R13MH082536 the Institute of Collaborative Biotechnology ICB at the University of California Santa Barbara the University of California Pacific Rim Institute and the International Brain Research Organization IBRO



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  1. Brain structure in autism: a voxel-based morphometry analysis of the Autism Brain Imaging Database Exchange (ABIDE)
  2. High early life stress and aberrant amygdala activity: risk factors for elevated neuropsychiatric symptoms in HIV+ adults
  3. Genome-wide pathway analysis of memory impairment in the Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI) cohort implicates gene candidates, canonical pathways, and networks
  4. Functional connectivity abnormalities and associated cognitive deficits in fetal alcohol Spectrum disorders (FASD)
  5. Preliminary findings of cortical thickness abnormalities in blast injured service members and their relationship to clinical findings
  6. fMRI memory assessment in healthy subjects: a new approach to view lateralization data at an individual level
  7. Post-concussive complaints after mild traumatic brain injury associated with altered brain networks during working memory performance
  8. Action observation training modifies brain gray matter structure in healthy adult individuals
  9. Understanding variability in the BOLD signal and why it matters for aging
  10. Occipital cortical gyrification reductions associate with decreased functional connectivity in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
  11. Subthalamic nucleus stimulation effects on single and combined task performance in Parkinson’s disease patients: a PET study
  12. Relevance of neuroimaging for neurocognitive and behavioral outcome after pediatric traumatic brain injury
  13. A composite score for executive functioning, validated in Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI) participants with baseline mild cognitive impairment

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