Authors: Ming Kang Guangfu Yin Jun Liu Dingming Yang Rong Sun
Publish Date: 2009/03/20
Volume: 24, Issue: 1, Pages: 20-24
CaNO32·4H2O EuNO33 and H2C2O4·2H2O were adopted to synthesize CaO Eu3+ with the chemical coprecipitation method and the effects of the calcination temperature and Eu3+ doping concentration on the phosphor structure and its luminescent properties were investigated by TGSDTA XRD and PLPLE The results confirm that the Eu3+ ions as luminescent centers substitutes Ca2+ sites without changing the crystal structure of cubic CaO The optimum calcination temperature and the optimum concentration of Eu3+ are 1 100 ° and 1 mol respectively under which the best crystallinity and highest PL intensity appeared The maximum emission wavelength is 592 nm 5D0→7F1 which is excited by xenon lamp with the wavelength of 200–280 nm indicating that the Eu3+ ion mainly locates in the symmetric position Oh in the crystal lattice of CaO