Authors: Wei Si Xiuhui Wang Ding Tian Hong Gao
Publish Date: 2016/09/22
Volume: 31, Issue: 3, Pages: 548-552
The Y3Al5O12 YAG nanocrystals were synthesized by ultrasoundassisted and ultrasoundmicrowaveassisted alkoxide hydrolysis precipitation methods The structures and morphology of the YAG were characterized by Xray diffraction XRD scanning electron microscopy SEM and transmission electron microscopy TEM The synthesis kinetics of two kinds of YAG nanocrystals was investigated using differential thermal analysis and thermo gravimetric analysis DTATG at different heating rates in argon gas The results show that two kinds of YAG precursors have one obvious endothermic peak at 315600 K The apparent activation energy of two kinds of YAG precursors was calculated using the DoyleOzawa and Kissinger methods the coefficients of reaction order frequency factor and kinetic equations were also determined The average apparent activation energy for the YAG precursor prepared by ultrasoundmicrowave assisted was calculated to be 8076 kJ·mol1 higher than the YAG precursor prepared by ultrasoundassisted synthesis 5656 kJ·mol1