Authors: Kai Liao Yunxin Wu Hai Gong
Publish Date: 2013/12/12
Volume: 28, Issue: 6, Pages: 1212-1216
The research on fl uctuation and inhomogeneity of internal stress of aluminum alloy thick plate is theoretical and technological base for stress control technology By using Xray diffraction technique and mechanical test method aluminum alloy with typical fine subgrains coarse recrystallized grains and second phase was analyzed the interactive mechanical model between grains was built for analysis of variation of internal stress within the local micro structure by imitating the actual distribution of grains The experimental result shows that the mechanical model can effectively explain the reason for fluctuation of microscopic stress which also proves that the inhomogeneous distribution of metal organization is the cause for the complex distribution of microscopic stress The model can well describe stress distribution of thick plate caused by thermal deformation Besides it well describes mechanism of stress fluctuationFunded by the Guangxi Natural Science Foundation ChinaNo 2012GXNSFBA053150 the Open Research Fund of Key Laboratory of High Performance Complex ManufacturingCentral South University China No HPCM201304 and the Major State Basic Research Development Program of China No 2010CB731703