Authors: Neeraj Pant
Publish Date: 2010/08/07
Volume: 331, Issue: 2, Pages: 633-644
We present three new categories of exact and spherically symmetric Solutions with finite central parameters of the general relativistic field equations Two well behaved solutions in curvature coordinates first category are being studied extensively These solutions describe perfect fluid balls with positively finite central pressure positively finite central density their ratio is less than one and causality condition is obeyed at the centre The outmarch of pressure density pressuredensity ratio and the adiabatic speed of sound is monotonically decreasing for these solutions Keeping in view of well behaved nature of these solutions one of the solution I1 is studied extensively The solution I1 gives us wide range of Schwarzschild parameter u 0138≤u≤0263 for which the solution is well behaved hence suitable for modeling of Neutron star For this solution the mass of Neutron star is maximized with all degree of suitability and by assuming the surface density ρ b =2×1014 g/cm3 Corresponding to u=0263 the maximum mass of Neutron star comes out to be 3369 M Θ with linear dimension 3777 km and central and surface redshifts are 4858 and 04524 respectively We also study some well known regular solutions T4 D1 D2 H A P of Einstein’s field equations in curvature coordinates with the feature of constant adiabatic sound speed We have chosen those values of Schwarzschild parameter u for which these solutions describe perfect fluid balls realistic equations of state However except P solution all these solutions have monotonically nondecreasing feature of adiabatic sound speed Hence P solution is having a well behaved model for uniform radial motion of sound Keeping in view of well behaved nature of the solution for this feature and assuming the surface density ρ b =2×1014 g/cm3 the maximum mass of Neutron star comes out to be 134 M Θ with linear dimension 2874 km Corresponding central and surface redshifts are 1002 and 01752 respectively