Authors: A Badruddin Z Falak
Publish Date: 2016/07/07
Volume: 361, Issue: 8, Pages: 253-
The interplanetary coronal mass ejections ICMEs and the corotating interaction regions CIRs are the two most important structures of the interplanetary medium affecting the Earth and the nearEarth space environment We study the solar windmagnetosphere coupling during the passage of ICMEs and CIRs in the Solar Cycle 23 Jan 1995–Dec 2009 and their relative geoeffectiveness We utilize the timings of different features of these structures their arrival and duration As geomagnetic parameter we utilize high time resolution data of Dst and mathitAE indices In addition to these geomagnetic indices we utilize the simultaneous and similar time resolution data of interplanetary plasma and field namely solar wind velocity interplanetary magnetic field its northsouth component and dawndusk electric field We apply the method of superposed epoch analysis Utilizing the properties of various structures during the passage of ICMEs and CIRs and variations observed in plasma and field parameters during their passage along with the simultaneous changes observed in geomagnetic parameters we identify the interplanetary conditions plasma/field parameters and their relative importance in solar windmagnetosphere coupling Geospace consequences of ICMEs and CIRs and the implications of these results for solar windmagnetosphere coupling are discussed