Authors: Lewei Zhang Yihua He Si Liu Chang Yang Qinghua Zhou Fuliang Xiao
Publish Date: 2014/09/13
Volume: 354, Issue: 2, Pages: 401-408
Gyroresonance between chorus waves and radiation belt electrons is usually evaluated by using the Gaussian wave normal angle X=tanθ distribution In this study we examine the influence of peak wave normal angle X m =tanθ m on choruselectron interaction in the heart of radiation belts L=45 By varying X m =0246 we calculate the bounceaveraged diffusion coefficients and then simulate the phase space density PSD evolution of radiation belt energetic electrons induced by both dayside and nightside chorus waves Numerical simulations show that diffusion coefficients move to the low pitch angle region and drop rapidly by a factor of ∼10 as X m increases by 2 each time consequently leading to the smaller amplitude and narrower pitch angle region in electron PSD evolution The current results demonstrate that choruselectron interaction in the outer radiation belt is largely dependent on peak wave normal anglesThis work is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China grants 41274165 41204114 the Aid Program for Science and Technology Innovative Research Team in Higher Educational Institutions of Hunan Province and the Construct Program of the Key Discipline in Hunan Province