Authors: Mathieu Pellen
Publish Date: 2015/04/10
Volume: 357, Issue: 1, Pages: 24-
We derive conservation laws for collisions of selfgravitating nbranes or ndimensional shells in an n+2 dimensional spacetime including induced gravity on the brane Previous work has shown how geometrical identities in general relativity enforce conservation of energymomentum at collisions The inclusion of induced gravity terms introduces a gravitational selfenergy on the brane which permits energymomentum conservation of matter fields on the brane to be broken so long as the total energymomentum including induced gravity terms is conserved We give simple examples with two branes one ingoing and one outgoing and three branesI would like to thank D Wands for his supervision and comments M Krämer for suggestions the ICG of Portsmouth for its hospitality and J Emery T Kidani for fruitful discussions Diagrams have been drawn using JaxoDraw Binosi and Theussl 2004