Authors: S K Maurya Y K Gupta
Publish Date: 2012/11/18
Volume: 344, Issue: 1, Pages: 243-251
A new class of well behaved anisotropic superdense stars has been derived with the help of a given class of charged fluid distributions The anisotropy parameter or the electric intensity is zero at the centre and monotonically increasing towards the pressure free interface All the physical parameter such as energy density radial pressure tangential pressure and velocity of sound are monotonically decreasing towards the surface The maximum mass measures 38593 solar mass and the corresponding radius is 212573 km for n=1 ie N tends to infinityThe author SK Maurya is grateful to the referee for pointing out errors in original manuscript and making constructive suggestions The author SK Maurya also acknowledges her gratitude to to Prof Kalika Srivastava Head of the Department ITM University for their motivation and encouragement