Authors: G C Das Rupa Chakraborty
Publish Date: 2011/06/09
Volume: 335, Issue: 2, Pages: 415-
Our purpose is to examine the formation of different sheaths in rotating astroplasmas embedded in an ambient magnetic field Sequel to our recent work Das and Chakraborty in Astrophys Space Sci 2011 we remodeled our present study with the view to finding of robust sheath over the Earth’s Moon along with the formation of dust clouds therein Based on using the pseudopotential analysis a modified Sagdeev potential equation has been derived which in turns quantifies the interaction of Coriolis force and magnetic field and to derive the different natures of sheath and dust atmosphere The application of this result to the input numeric data of the lunar environment and dynamical behaviors of dust levitation has been studied Our study finds that the dust particles having a spatial segregation within the sheath region form dust clouds in spaces