Authors: Bobir Toshmatov Ahmadjon Abdujabbarov Bobomurat Ahmedov Zdeněk Stuchlík
Publish Date: 2015/04/11
Volume: 357, Issue: 1, Pages: 41-
The neutral particle motion around rotating regular black hole that was derived from the AyónBeatoGarcía ABG black hole solution by the NewmanJanis algorithm in the preceding paper Toshmatov et al Phys Rev D 89104017 2014 has been studied The dependencies of the ISCO innermost stable circular orbits along geodesics and unstable orbits on the value of the electric charge of the rotating regular black hole have been shown Energy extraction from the rotating regular black hole through various processes has been examined We have found expression of the center of mass energy for the colliding neutral particles coming from infinity based on the BSW BaňadosSilkWest mechanism The electric charge Q of rotating regular black hole decreases the potential of the gravitational field as compared to the Kerr black hole and the particles demonstrate less bound energy at the circular geodesics This causes an increase of efficiency of the energy extraction through BSW process in the presence of the electric charge Q from rotating regular black hole Furthermore we have studied the particle emission due to the BSW effect assuming that two neutral particles collide near the horizon of the rotating regular extremal black hole and produce another two particles We have shown that efficiency of the energy extraction is less than the value 1466 being valid for the Kerr black hole It has been also demonstrated that the efficiency of the energy extraction from the rotating regular black hole via the Penrose process decreases with the increase of the electric charge Q and is smaller in comparison to 207 which is the value for the extreme Kerr black hole with the specific angular momentum a=MThe authors acknowledge the project Supporting Integration with the International Theoretical and Observational Research Network in Relativistic Astrophysics of Compact Objects Grant No CZ107/2300/ 200071 supported by Operational Programme Education for Competitiveness funded by the Structural Funds of the European Union B Toshmatov acknowledges the internal student grant of the Silesian University at Opava SGS/23/2013 Z Stuchlík acknowledges the Albert Einstein Center for gravitation and astrophysics supported by the Czech Science Foundation Grant No 1437086G A Abdujabbarov and B Ahmedov thank the Goethe University Frankfurt am Main Germany and the Faculty of Philosophy and Science Silesian University in Opava Czech Republic for the warm hospitality This research is supported in part by Grants No F2FAF113 No EF2FA012477 and No F2FAF029 of the UzAS and by the ICTP through Grant No OEAPRJ29 and No OEANET76 and by the Volkswagen Stiftung Grant No 86 866