Authors: A Shanmugaraju K Suresh YJ Moon
Publish Date: 2014/02/12
Volume: 351, Issue: 1, Pages: 67-73
Recently the estimation of coronal magnetic field using new methods such as standoff distance method or density compression ratio method has been reported In the present work we utilized the density compression ratio of CMEdriven shocks for 10 events at 29 different locations in the upper solar corona 10–26R ⊙ and determined the coronal magnetic field for two different adiabatic indices γ=4/3 and 5/3 In addition radial dependence of shock parameters in the corona is studied It is found that the magnetic field estimated in the above range agree with the general trend In addition we obtained a radial profile of magnetic field BR=623R −14 in the entire upper corona 3–30R ⊙ by combining the magnetic field estimated by Kim et al Astrophys J 746118 2012 in the range 3–15R ⊙ and that estimated in the present study in the range 10–26R ⊙ The powerlaw indices are nearly in agreement with recent results of CMEdriven shocks reported in the literature The results are discussed with the comparison of newly reported coronal magnetic field values obtained by different techniques and found that the powerlaw relation closely follow the literature valuesWe are grateful to the Solar Geophysical Data team for their open data policy The CME catalog we have used is generated and maintained by the Center for Solar Physics and Space Weather The Catholic University of America in cooperation with the Naval Research Laboratory and NASA SOHO is a project of international cooperation between ESA and NASA The grant to AS from University Grants Commission Govt of India through major research project F No 42845/2013 SR is kindly acknowledged