Authors: Moisés D González Linda M Pollak A Susana Goggi
Publish Date: 2011/10/14
Volume: 185, Issue: 3, Pages: 377-384
Use of cross incompatibility in corn Zea mays L by the Ga1s allele may reduce crossfertilization in specialty and conventional organic corn with pollen from geneticallymodified GM corn For effective use information about environment and genotype × environment effects on crossfertilization by ga1 as well as heritability of cross incompatibility in maize is necessary Our objective was to obtain this information Four population pairs differing in their genotype at ga1 were evaluated for cross incompatibility with ga1 pollen in different environments Populations were derived by crossing the recurrent parents B116 PHG35 ARZM16035S19 and CHZM05015Mo17Mo17 to Ga1s donor parent Mo508W/Mo506W Two replicates of each treatment were grown in the center of 952 m2 fields planted with purple corn as an adventitious source of ga1/ga1 pollen Open pollination was allowed and the amount of crossfertilization estimated by averaging the percentage of purple seeds Environment and genotype × environment effects were not significant Contrasts to evaluate differences in crossfertilization between Ga1s and ga1 populations revealed that mean percentages of crossfertilization in Ga1s populations of B116 ARZM16035S19 and CHZM05015Mo17Mo17 were significantly lower than in ga1 populations The estimated broadsense heritability on an entrymean basis for cross incompatibility was 081 Results suggest differences in genotype at ga1 played a major role in crossfertilization of populations differing in their genotype at the ga1 locus Incompatibility may be selected effectively over different environments and the Ga1s system may be of value to reduce crossfertilization with GM corn pollenWe thank Dr Walter Goldstein Michael Fields Agricultural Institute and the GEM project for providing the plant materials used in this study We also thank Dr Silvia Cianzio for helpful comments on the manuscript and John Golden Tina Paque and Alan Gaul for technical assistance