Authors: Klaus Eimert FranzEmil Rückert MaxBernhard Schröder
Publish Date: 2011/11/30
Volume: 298, Issue: 3, Pages: 609-618
Genetic diversity within and between seedstocks of autochthonous provenances of common blackthorn Prunus spinosa L from several locations in Germany was determined and compared with the diversity in conventionally propagated German and Hungarian seedstocks using a highly reproducible highannealingtemperature random amplified polymorphic DNA HATRAPD protocol Based on the distribution of 359 markers obtained with 11 primers we found relatively low genetic diversity in the studied autochthonous blackthorn populations H 0 01182–01333 with the majority distributed within the populations 9222 and only 778 among them Similar levels of diversity were also found in the conventional seedstocks Accordingly genetic differentiation among these populations is rather low pairwise F st 00284–01266 In one case we were not able to differentiate between an autochthonous population and conventional F st 00284 one We discuss the results with respect to German conservation laws and their practical implementationThis work has in part been developed through funding from Hochschule RheinMain University of Applied Sciences Wiesbaden Rüsselsheim Geisenheim grant FHWNr 40130130 We are thankful to the Interdisciplinary Research Group “Arbeitskreis Autochthone Gehölze” Untere Flurbereinigungsbehörden Eltville und Fulda Hessisches Landesamt für Bodenmanagement und Geoinformation—Dezernat Flurneuordnung Hochschule OstwestfalenLippe/Höxter University of Applied Sciences Hochschule RheinMain University of Applied Sciences Wiesbaden Rüsselsheim Geisenheim Geisenheim Research Center for access to the plant material We are grateful to Mrs Hüwe for excellent technical support