Authors: Ali Savaş Bülbül Burcu TarıkahyaHacıoğlu Yusuf Arslan İlhan Subaşı
Publish Date: 2013/01/10
Volume: 299, Issue: 3, Pages: 683-689
In flora of Turkey there are six species of Carthamus L Carthamus dentatus Forssk Vahl C glaucus M Bieb subsp glaucus C lanatus L C tenuis Boiss Blanche Bornm C persicus Desf ex Willd and C tinctorius L Within these species C tinctorius L is an alien species for the Turkish flora The pollen grains belonging to six taxa collected from different locations of Anatolia and examined both under light microscope LM and under scanning electron microscope SEM As a result of these examinations and measurements pollen grains of taxa are radially symmetrical isopolar oblatespheroid spheroid tricolporate rarely tetracolporate echinate There are high similarities among taxa but some differences are recorded in size and spin length According to cluster analyses of Carthamus species’ pollens C glaucus and C tenuis have the most similar pollens C dentatus grouped with these two C persicus placed as the closest relative of C tinctorius in the dendrogram