Authors: Anton Kapustin Hyungchul Kim Jaemo Park
Publish Date: 2011/12/23
Volume: 2011, Issue: 12, Pages: 87-
We study dualities for mathcalN = 2 3d ChernSimons matter theories with gauge groups U/Sp/O matter in the twoindex tensor representations adjoint/symmetric/anti symmetric in addition to the fundamental representation and a superpotential These dualities are analogous to KutasovSchwimmerSeiberg dualities in 4d We test them by computing the superconformal index and the partition function on S 3 for many dual pairs and find perfect agreement In some cases we find a simple dual description for theories with tensor matter and no superpotential thereby generalizing the “Duality Appetizer” of Jafferis and Yin to an infinite class of theories We also investigate nonperturbative truncation of the chiral ring proposed in the context of 4d dualities