Authors: Minxin Huang Albrecht Klemm Maximilian Poretschkin
Publish Date: 2013/11/13
Volume: 2013, Issue: 11, Pages: 112-
We use mirror symmetry the refined holomorphic anomaly equation and modularity properties of elliptic singularities to calculate the refined BPS invariants of stable pairs on noncompact CalabiYau manifolds based on del Pezzo surfaces and elliptic surfaces in particular the half K3 The BPS numbers contribute naturally to the fivedimensional N =1 supersymmetric index of Mtheory but they can be also interpreted in terms of the superconformal index in six dimensions and upon dimensional reduction the generating functions count N = 2 SeibergWitten gauge theory instantons in four dimensions Using the M/Ftheory uplift the additional information encoded in the spin content can be used in an essential way to obtain information about BPS states in physical systems associated to small instantons tensionless strings gauge symmetry enhancement in Ftheory by p qstrings as well as Mstrings