Authors: Maximilian Demmel Frank Saueressig Omar Zanusso
Publish Date: 2015/08/24
Volume: 2015, Issue: 8, Pages: 113-
Realizing a quantum theory for gravity based on Asymptotic Safety hinges on the existence of a nonGaussian fixed point of the theory’s renormalization group flow In this work we use the functional renormalization group equation for the effective average action to study the fixed point underlying Quantum Einstein Gravity at the functional level including an infinite number of scaledependent coupling constants We formulate a list of guiding principles underlying the construction of a partial differential equation encoding the scaledependence of fRgravity We show that this equation admits a unique globally welldefined fixed functional describing the nonGaussian fixed point at the level of functions of the scalar curvature This solution is constructed explicitly via a numerical doubleshooting method In the UV this solution is in good agreement with results from polynomial expansions including a finite number of coupling constants while it scales proportional to R2 dressed up with nonanalytic terms in the IR We demonstrate that its structure is mainly governed by the conformal sector of the flow equation The relation of our work to previous partial constructions of similar scaling solutions is discussedThis article is published under an open access license Please check the Copyright Information section for details of this license and what reuse is permitted If your intended use exceeds what is permitted by the license or if you are unable to locate the licence and reuse information please contact the Rights and Permissions team