Authors: Jesper R Christiansen Peter Z Skands
Publish Date: 2015/08/03
Volume: 2015, Issue: 8, Pages: 3-
We present a new model for the hadronisation of multiparton systems in which colour correlations beyond leading N C are allowed to influence the formation of confining potentials strings The multiplet structure of SU3 is combined with a minimisation of the string potential energy to decide between which partons strings should form allowing also for “baryonic” configurations eg two colours can combine coherently to form an anticolour In e+e−collisions modifications to the leadingcolour picture are small suppressed by both colour and kinematics factors But in pp collisions multiparton interactions increase the number of possible subleading connections counteracting their naive 1/N C 2 suppression Moreover those that reduce the overall string lengths are kinematically favoured The model which we have implemented in the PYTHIA 8 generator is capable of reaching agreement not only with the important 〈p⊥〉 ncharged distribution but also with measured rates and ratios of kaons and hyperons in both ee and pp collisions Nonetheless the shape of their p⊥ spectra remains challenging to explainThis article is published under an open access license Please check the Copyright Information section for details of this license and what reuse is permitted If your intended use exceeds what is permitted by the license or if you are unable to locate the licence and reuse information please contact the Rights and Permissions team