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Springer Berlin Heidelberg

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Detecting fourth generation quarks at hadron colli

Authors: David Atwood Sudhir Kumar Gupta Amarjit Soni
Publish Date: 2012/06/19
Volume: 2012, Issue: 6, Pages: 105-
PDF Link


Although there is no compelling evidence at present against the Standard Model SM in the past few years a number of 23 sigma tensions have appeared which could be alleviated simply by adding another generation of fermions Furthermore a fourth generation could help resolve the issue of baryogenesis and the understanding of the hierarchy problemIn this paper we consider the phenomenology of the fourth generation heavy quarks which would be pair produced at the LHC We show that if such a quark with a mass in the phenomenologically interesting range of 400 GeV600 GeV decays to a light quark and a Wboson it will produce a signal in a number of channels which can be seen above the background from the three generation Standard Model processes In particular such quarks could be seen in channels where multiple jets are present with large missing momentum and either a single hard lepton an opposite sign hard lepton pair or a same sign lepton pairIn the same sign dilepton channel there is little background and so an excess of such pairs at large invariant mass will indicate the presence of heavy down type quarks More generally in our study the main tool we use to determine the mass of the heavy quark in each of the channels we consider is to use the kinematics of the decay of such quarks to resolve the momenta of the unobserved neutrinos We show how this can be carried out even in cases where the kinematics is underdetermined by use of the approximation which holds quite well that the two heavy quarks are nearly at rest in the center of mass frameSince it is very likely that at least the lightest heavy quark decays in the mode we consider this means that it should be observed at the LHC Indeed it is expected that the mass splitting between the quarks is less than m W so that if the CabbiboKobayshiMaskawa CKM matrix element between the fourth and lower generations are not too small both members of the fourth generation quark doublet will decay in this way If this is so the combined signal of these two quarks will make the signal for the fourth generation somewhat more prominent



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  218. Towards a holographic realization of Homes’ law
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  221. Thin-shell bubbles and information loss problem in anti de Sitter background
  222. On S-duality of 5d super Yang-Mills on S 1
  223. Lunin-Maldacena backgrounds from the classical Yang-Baxter equation — towards the gravity/CYBE correspondence
  224. Line operators on $ {S^{{1}}} \times {\mathbb{R}^{{3}}} $ and quantization of the Hitchin moduli space
  225. Lepton-specific two Higgs doublet model as a solution of muon g − 2 anomaly
  226. Measurement of the relative rate of prompt χc0, χc1 and χc2 production at $ \sqrt{s}=7 $ TeV
  227. 750 GeV diphotons: implications for supersymmetric unification
  228. A minimal model for SU( N ) vector dark matter
  229. Instanton effects in orientifold ABJM theory
  230. M-brane models from non-abelian gerbes
  231. Higgs friends and counterfeits at hadron colliders
  232. Asymptotic energy dependence of hadronic total cross sections from lattice QCD
  233. A proper fixed functional for four-dimensional Quantum Einstein Gravity
  234. Annihilation rate of 2 −+ charmonium and bottomonium
  235. f ( R ) gravities, Killing spinor equations, “BPS” domain walls and cosmology
  236. Constraining sterile neutrinos using reactor neutrino experiments
  237. Chiral algebras of class $$ \mathcal{} $$
  238. Antenna subtraction at NNLO with hadronic initial states: double real radiation for initial-initial configurations with two quark flavours
  239. Implications of light charginos for Higgs observables, LHC searches and dark matter
  240. On $\mathcal{N} = 2$ truncations of IIB on T1,1
  241. A note on on-shell recursion relation of string amplitudes
  242. Refined stable pair invariants for E-, M- and [ p , q ]-strings
  243. Auxiliary gauge mediation: a new route to mini-split supersymmetry
  244. Primordial gravity wave background anisotropies
  245. Revisiting the Y = 0 open spin chain at one loop
  246. Spin 3/2 particle as a dark matter candidate: an effective field theory approach

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