Journal Title
Title of Journal: J High Energ Phys
Abbravation: Journal of High Energy Physics
Authors: The CMS collaboration S Chatrchyan V Khachatryan A M Sirunyan A Tumasyan W Adam E Aguilo T Bergauer M Dragicevic J Erö C Fabjan M Friedl R Frühwirth V M Ghete J Hammer N Hörmann J Hrubec M Jeitler W Kiesenhofer V Knünz M Krammer I Krätschmer D Liko I Mikulec M Pernicka B Rahbaran C Rohringer H Rohringer R Schöfbeck J Strauss A Taurok W Waltenberger G Walzel E Widl CE Wulz V Mossolov N Shumeiko J Suarez Gonzalez S Bansal T Cornelis E A De Wolf X Janssen S Luyckx L Mucibello S Ochesanu B Roland R Rougny M Selvaggi Z Staykova H Van Haevermaet P Van Mechelen N Van Remortel A Van Spilbeeck F Blekman S Blyweert J D’Hondt R Gonzalez Suarez A Kalogeropoulos M Maes A Olbrechts W Van Doninck P Van Mulders G P Van Onsem I Villella B Clerbaux G De Lentdecker V Dero A P R Gay T Hreus A Léonard P E Marage T Reis L Thomas C Vander Velde P Vanlaer J Wang V Adler K Beernaert A Cimmino S Costantini G Garcia M Grunewald B Klein J Lellouch A Marinov J Mccartin A A Ocampo Rios D Ryckbosch N Strobbe F Thyssen M Tytgat P Verwilligen S Walsh E Yazgan N Zaganidis S Basegmez G Bruno R Castello L Ceard C Delaere T du Pree D Favart L Forthomme A Giammanco J Hollar V Lemaitre J Liao O Militaru C Nuttens D Pagano A Pin K Piotrzkowski N Schul J M Vizan Garcia N Beliy T Caebergs E Daubie G H Hammad G A Alves M Correa Martins D De Jesus Damiao T Martins M E Pol M H G Souza W L Aldá W Carvalho A Custódio E M Da Costa C De Oliveira Martins S Fonseca De Souza D Matos Figueiredo L Mundim H Nogima V Oguri W L Prado Da Silva A Santoro L Soares Jorge A Sznajder T S Anjos C A Bernardes F A Dias T R Fernandez Perez Tomei E M Gregores C Lagana F Marinho P G Mercadante S F Novaes Sandra S Padula V Genchev P Iaydjiev S Piperov M Rodozov S Stoykova G Sultanov V Tcholakov R Trayanov M Vutova A Dimitrov R Hadjiiska V Kozhuharov L Litov B Pavlov P Petkov J G Bian G M Chen H S Chen C H Jiang D Liang S Liang X Meng J Tao J Wang X Wang Z Wang H Xiao M Xu J Zang Z Zhang C Asawatangtrakuldee Y Ban S Guo Y Guo W Li S Liu Y Mao S J Qian H Teng D Wang L Zhang B Zhu W Zou C Avila J P Gomez B Gomez Moreno A F Osorio Oliveros J C Sanabria N Godinovic D Lelas R Plestina D Polic I Puljak Z Antunovic M Kovac V Brigljevic S Duric K Kadija J Luetic S Morovic A Attikis M Galanti G Mavromanolakis J Mousa C Nicolaou F Ptochos P A Razis M Finger M Finger Y Assran S Elgammal A Ellithi Kamel S Khalil M A Mahmoud A Radi M Kadastik M Müntel M Raidal L Rebane A Tiko P Eerola G Fedi M Voutilainen J Härkönen A Heikkinen V Karimäki R Kinnunen M J Kortelainen T Lampén K LassilaPerini S Lehti T Lindén P Luukka T Mäenpää T Peltola E Tuominen J Tuominiemi E Tuovinen D Ungaro L Wendland K Banzuzi A Karjalainen A Korpela T Tuuva M Besancon S Choudhury M Dejardin D Denegri B Fabbro J L Faure F Ferri S Ganjour A Givernaud P Gras G Hamel de Monchenault P Jarry E Locci J Malcles L Millischer A Nayak J Rander A Rosowsky I Shreyber M Titov S Baffioni F Beaudette L Benhabib L Bianchini M Bluj C Broutin P Busson C Charlot N Daci T Dahms L Dobrzynski R Granier de Cassagnac M Haguenauer P Miné C Mironov I N Naranjo M Nguyen C Ochando P Paganini D Sabes R Salerno Y Sirois C Veelken A Zabi JL Agram J Andrea D Bloch D Bodin JM Brom M Cardaci E C Chabert C Collard E Conte F Drouhin C Ferro JC Fontaine D Gelé U Goerlach P Juillot AC Le Bihan P Van Hove F Fassi D Mercier S Beauceron N Beaupere O Bondu G Boudoul J Chasserat R Chierici D Contardo P Depasse H El Mamouni J Fay S Gascon M Gouzevitch B Ille T Kurca M Lethuillier L Mirabito S Perries V Sordini Y Tschudi P Verdier S Viret Z Tsamalaidze G Anagnostou S Beranek M Edelhoff L Feld N Heracleous O Hindrichs R Jussen K Klein J Merz A Ostapchuk A Perieanu F Raupach J Sammet S Schael D Sprenger H Weber B Wittmer V Zhukov M Ata J Caudron E DietzLaursonn D Duchardt M Erdmann R Fischer A Güth T Hebbeker C Heidemann K Hoepfner D Klingebiel P Kreuzer C Magass M Merschmeyer A Meyer M Olschewski P Papacz H Pieta H Reithler S A Schmitz L Sonnenschein J Steggemann D Teyssier M Weber M Bontenackels V Cherepanov G Flügge H Geenen M Geisler W Haj Ahmad F Hoehle B Kargoll T Kress Y Kuessel A Nowack L Perchalla O Pooth P Sauerland A Stahl M Aldaya Martin J Behr W Behrenhoff U Behrens M Bergholz A Bethani K Borras A Burgmeier A Cakir L Calligaris A Campbell E Castro F Costanza D Dammann C Diez Pardos G Eckerlin D Eckstein G Flucke A Geiser I Glushkov P Gunnellini S Habib J Hauk G Hellwig H Jung M Kasemann P Katsas C Kleinwort H Kluge A Knutsson M Krämer D Krücker E Kuznetsova W Lange W Lohmann B Lutz R Mankel I Marfin M Marienfeld IA MelzerPellmann A B Meyer J Mnich A Mussgiller S NaumannEmme J Olzem H Perrey A Petrukhin D Pitzl A Raspereza P M Ribeiro Cipriano C Riedl E Ron M Rosin J SalfeldNebgen R Schmidt T SchoernerSadenius N Sen A Spiridonov M Stein R Walsh C Wissing C Autermann V Blobel J Draeger H Enderle J Erfle U Gebbert M Görner T Hermanns R S Höing K Kaschube G Kaussen H Kirschenmann R Klanner J Lange B Mura F Nowak T Peiffer N Pietsch D Rathjens C Sander H Schettler P Schleper E Schlieckau A Schmidt M Schröder T Schum M Seidel V Sola H Stadie G Steinbrück J Thomsen L Vanelderen C Barth J Berger C Böser T Chwalek W De Boer A Descroix A Dierlamm M Feindt M Guthoff C Hackstein F Hartmann T Hauth M Heinrich H Held K H Hoffmann S Honc I Katkov J R Komaragiri P Lobelle Pardo D Martschei S Mueller Th Müller M Niegel A Nürnberg O Oberst A Oehler J Ott G Quast K Rabbertz F Ratnikov N Ratnikova S Röcker A Scheurer FP Schilling G Schott H J Simonis F M Stober D Troendle R Ulrich J WagnerKuhr S Wayand T Weiler M Zeise G Daskalakis T Geralis S Kesisoglou A Kyriakis D Loukas I Manolakos A Markou C Markou C Mavrommatis E Ntomari L Gouskos T J Mertzimekis A Panagiotou N Saoulidou I Evangelou C Foudas P Kokkas N Manthos I Papadopoulos V Patras G Bencze C Hajdu P Hidas D Horvath F Sikler V Veszpremi G Vesztergombi N Beni S Czellar J Molnar J Palinkas Z Szillasi J Karancsi P Raics Z L Trocsanyi B Ujvari S B Beri V Bhatnagar N Dhingra R Gupta M Jindal M Kaur M Z Mehta N Nishu L K Saini A Sharma J Singh Ashok Kumar Arun Kumar S Ahuja A Bhardwaj B C Choudhary S Malhotra M Naimuddin K Ranjan V Sharma R K Shivpuri S Banerjee S Bhattacharya S Dutta B Gomber Sa Jain Sh Jain R Khurana S Sarkar M Sharan A Abdulsalam R K Choudhury D Dutta S Kailas V Kumar P Mehta A K Mohanty L M Pant P Shukla T Aziz S Ganguly M Guchait M Maity G Majumder K Mazumdar G B Mohanty B Parida K Sudhakar N Wickramage S Banerjee S Dugad H Arfaei H Bakhshiansohi S M Etesami A Fahim M Hashemi H Hesari A Jafari M Khakzad M Mohammadi Najafabadi S Paktinat Mehdiabadi B Safarzadeh M Zeinali M Abbrescia L Barbone C Calabria S S Chhibra A Colaleo D Creanza N De Filippis M De Palma L Fiore G Iaselli L Lusito G Maggi M Maggi B Marangelli S My S Nuzzo N Pacifico A Pompili G Pugliese G Selvaggi L Silvestris G Singh R Venditti G Zito G Abbiendi A C Benvenuti D Bonacorsi S BraibantGiacomelli L Brigliadori P Capiluppi A Castro F R Cavallo M Cuffiani G M Dallavalle F Fabbri A Fanfani D Fasanella P Giacomelli C Grandi L Guiducci S Marcellini G Masetti M Meneghelli A Montanari F L Navarria F Odorici A Perrotta F Primavera A M Rossi T Rovelli G Siroli R Travaglini S Albergo G Cappello M Chiorboli S Costa R Potenza A Tricomi C Tuve G Barbagli V Ciulli C Civinini R D’Alessandro E Focardi S Frosali E Gallo S Gonzi M Meschini S Paoletti G Sguazzoni A Tropiano L Benussi S Bianco S Colafranceschi F Fabbri D Piccolo P Fabbricatore R Musenich S Tosi A Benaglia F De Guio L Di Matteo S Fiorendi S Gennai A Ghezzi S Malvezzi R A Manzoni A Martelli A Massironi D Menasce L Moroni M Paganoni D Pedrini S Ragazzi N Redaelli S Sala T Tabarelli de Fatis S Buontempo C A Carrillo Montoya N Cavallo A De Cosa O Dogangun F Fabozzi A O M Iorio L Lista S Meola M Merola P Paolucci P Azzi N Bacchetta D Bisello A Branca R Carlin P Checchia T Dorigo F Gasparini U Gasparini A Gozzelino K Kanishchev S Lacaprara I Lazzizzera M Margoni A T Meneguzzo J Pazzini N Pozzobon P Ronchese F Simonetto E Torassa M Tosi A Triossi S Vanini P Zotto G Zumerle M Gabusi S P Ratti C Riccardi P Torre P Vitulo M Biasini G M Bilei L Fanò P Lariccia A Lucaroni G Mantovani M Menichelli A Nappi F Romeo A Saha A Santocchia A Spiezia S Taroni P Azzurri G Bagliesi T Boccali G Broccolo R Castaldi R T D’Agnolo R Dell’Orso F Fiori L Foà A Giassi A Kraan F Ligabue T Lomtadze L Martini A Messineo F Palla A Rizzi A T Serban P Spagnolo P Squillacioti R Tenchini G Tonelli A Venturi P G Verdini L Barone F Cavallari D Del Re M Diemoz C Fanelli M Grassi E Longo P Meridiani F Micheli S Nourbakhsh G Organtini R Paramatti S Rahatlou M Sigamani L Soffi N Amapane R Arcidiacono S Argiro M Arneodo C Biino N Cartiglia M Costa D Dattola N Demaria C Mariotti S Maselli E Migliore V Monaco M Musich M M Obertino N Pastrone M Pelliccioni A Potenza A Romero R Sacchi A Solano A Staiano A Vilela Pereira S Belforte V Candelise F Cossutti G Della Ricca B Gobbo M Marone D Montanino A Penzo A Schizzi S G Heo T Y Kim S K Nam S Chang D H Kim G N Kim D J Kong H Park S R Ro D C Son T Son J Y Kim Zero J Kim S Song S Choi D Gyun B Hong M Jo H Kim T J Kim K S Lee D H Moon S K Park M Choi J H Kim C Park I C Park S Park G Ryu Y Cho Y Choi Y K Choi J Goh M S Kim E Kwon B Lee J Lee S Lee H Seo I Yu M J Bilinskas I Grigelionis M Janulis A Juodagalvis H CastillaValdez E De La CruzBurelo I Herediade La Cruz R LopezFernandez R Magaña Villalba J MartínezOrtega A SánchezHernández L M VillasenorCendejas S Carrillo Moreno F Vazquez Valencia H A Salazar Ibarguen E Casimiro Linares A Morelos Pineda M A ReyesSantos D Krofcheck A J Bell P H Butler R Doesburg S Reucroft H Silverwood M Ahmad M I Asghar H R Hoorani S Khalid W A Khan T Khurshid S Qazi M A Shah M Shoaib H Bialkowska B Boimska T Frueboes R Gokieli M Górski M Kazana K Nawrocki K RomanowskaRybinska M Szleper G Wrochna P Zalewski G Brona K Bunkowski M Cwiok W Dominik K Doroba A Kalinowski M Konecki J Krolikowski N Almeida P Bargassa A David P Faccioli P G Ferreira Parracho M Gallinaro J Seixas J Varela P Vischia I Belotelov P Bunin M Gavrilenko I Golutvin I Gorbunov A Kamenev V Karjavin G Kozlov A Lanev A Malakhov P Moisenz V Palichik V Perelygin S Shmatov V Smirnov A Volodko A Zarubin S Evstyukhin V Golovtsov Y Ivanov V Kim P Levchenko V Murzin V Oreshkin I Smirnov V Sulimov L Uvarov S Vavilov A Vorobyev An Vorobyev Yu Andreev A Dermenev S Gninenko N Golubev M Kirsanov N Krasnikov V Matveev A Pashenkov D Tlisov A Toropin V Epshteyn M Erofeeva V Gavrilov M Kossov N Lychkovskaya V Popov G Safronov S Semenov V Stolin E Vlasov A Zhokin A Belyaev E Boos V Bunichev M Dubinin L Dudko A Ershov A Gribushin V Klyukhin O Kodolova I Lokhtin A Markina S Obraztsov M Perfilov A Popov L Sarycheva V Savrin A Snigirev V Andreev M Azarkin I Dremin M Kirakosyan A Leonidov G Mesyats S V Rusakov A Vinogradov I Azhgirey I Bayshev S Bitioukov V Grishin V Kachanov D Konstantinov A Korablev V Krychkine V Petrov R Ryutin A Sobol L Tourtchanovitch S Troshin N Tyurin A Uzunian A Volkov P Adzic M Djordjevic M Ekmedzic D Krpic J Milosevic M AguilarBenitez J Alcaraz Maestre P Arce C Battilana E Calvo M Cerrada M Chamizo Llatas N Colino B De La Cruz A Delgado Peris D Domínguez Vázquez C Fernandez Bedoya J P Fernández Ramos A Ferrando J Flix M C Fouz P GarciaAbia O Gonzalez Lopez S Goy Lopez J M Hernandez M I Josa G Merino J Puerta Pelayo A Quintario Olmeda I Redondo L Romero J Santaolalla M S Soares C Willmott C Albajar G Codispoti J F de Trocóniz H Brun J Cuevas J Fernandez Menendez S Folgueras I Gonzalez Caballero L Lloret Iglesias J Piedra Gomez J A Brochero Cifuentes I J Cabrillo A Calderon S H Chuang J Duarte Campderros M Felcini M Fernandez G Gomez J Gonzalez Sanchez A Graziano C Jorda A Lopez Virto J Marco R Marco C Martinez Rivero F Matorras F J Munoz Sanchez T Rodrigo A Y RodríguezMarrero A RuizJimeno L Scodellaro M Sobron Sanudo I Vila R Vilar Cortabitarte D Abbaneo E Auffray G Auzinger P Baillon A H Ball D Barney J F Benitez C Bernet G Bianchi P Bloch A Bocci A Bonato C Botta H Breuker T Camporesi G Cerminara T Christiansen J A Coarasa Perez D D’Enterria A Dabrowski A De Roeck S Di Guida M Dobson N DupontSagorin A ElliottPeisert B Frisch W Funk G Georgiou M Giffels D Gigi K Gill D Giordano M Giunta F Glege R GomezReino Garrido P Govoni S Gowdy R Guida M Hansen P Harris C Hartl J Harvey B Hegner A Hinzmann V Innocente P Janot K Kaadze E Karavakis K Kousouris P Lecoq YJ Lee P Lenzi C Lourenço T Mäki M Malberti L Malgeri M Mannelli L Masetti F Meijers S Mersi E Meschi R Moser M U Mozer M Mulders P Musella E Nesvold T Orimoto L Orsini E Palencia Cortezon E Perez L Perrozzi A Petrilli A Pfeiffer M Pierini M Pimiä D Piparo G Polese L Quertenmont A Racz W Reece J Rodrigues Antunes G Rolandi T Rommerskirchen C Rovelli M Rovere H Sakulin F Santanastasio C Schäfer C Schwick I Segoni S Sekmen A Sharma P Siegrist P Silva M Simon P Sphicas D Spiga A Tsirou G I Veres J R Vlimant H K Wöhri S D Worm W D Zeuner W Bertl K Deiters W Erdmann K Gabathuler R Horisberger Q Ingram H C Kaestli S König D Kotlinski U Langenegger F Meier D Renker T Rohe J Sibille L Bäni P Bortignon M A Buchmann B Casal N Chanon A Deisher G Dissertori M Dittmar M Donegà M Dünser J Eugster K Freudenreich C Grab D Hits P Lecomte W Lustermann A C Marini P Martinez Ruiz del Arbol N Mohr F Moortgat C Nägeli P Nef F NessiTedaldi F Pandolfi L Pape F Pauss M Peruzzi F J Ronga M Rossini L Sala A K Sanchez A Starodumov B Stieger M Takahashi L Tauscher A Thea K Theofilatos D Treille C Urscheler R Wallny H A Weber L Wehrli C Amsler V Chiochia S De Visscher C Favaro M Ivova Rikova B Millan Mejias P Otiougova P Robmann H Snoek S Tupputi M Verzetti Y H Chang K H Chen C M Kuo S W Li W Lin Z K Liu Y J Lu D Mekterovic A P Singh R Volpe S S Yu P Bartalini P Chang Y H Chang Y W Chang Y Chao K F Chen C Dietz U Grundler WS Hou Y Hsiung K Y Kao Y J Lei RS Lu D Majumder E Petrakou X Shi J G Shiu Y M Tzeng X Wan M Wang A Adiguzel M N Bakirci S Cerci C Dozen I Dumanoglu E Eskut S Girgis G Gokbulut E Gurpinar I Hos E E Kangal T Karaman G Karapinar A Kayis Topaksu G Onengut K Ozdemir S Ozturk A Polatoz K Sogut D Sunar Cerci B Tali H Topakli L N Vergili M Vergili I V Akin T Aliev B Bilin S Bilmis M Deniz H Gamsizkan A M Guler K Ocalan A Ozpineci M Serin R Sever U E Surat M Yalvac E Yildirim M Zeyrek E Gülmez B Isildak M Kaya O Kaya S Ozkorucuklu N Sonmez K Cankocak L Levchuk F Bostock J J Brooke E Clement D Cussans H Flacher R Frazier J Goldstein M Grimes G P Heath H F Heath L Kreczko S Metson D M Newbold K Nirunpong A Poll S Senkin V J Smith T Williams L Basso K W Bell A Belyaev C Brew R M Brown D J A Cockerill J A Coughlan K Harder S Harper J Jackson B W Kennedy E Olaiya D Petyt B C RadburnSmith C H ShepherdThemistocleous I R Tomalin W J Womersley R Bainbridge G Ball R Beuselinck O Buchmuller D Colling N Cripps M Cutajar P Dauncey G Davies M Della Negra W Ferguson J Fulcher D Futyan A Gilbert A Guneratne Bryer G Hall Z Hatherell J Hays G Iles M Jarvis G Karapostoli L Lyons AM Magnan J Marrouche B Mathias R Nandi J Nash A Nikitenko A Papageorgiou J Pela M Pesaresi K Petridis M Pioppi D M Raymond S Rogerson A Rose M J Ryan C Seez P Sharp A Sparrow M Stoye A Tapper M Vazquez Acosta T Virdee S Wakefield N Wardle T Whyntie M Chadwick J E Cole P R Hobson A Khan P Kyberd D Leggat D Leslie W Martin I D Reid P Symonds L Teodorescu M Turner K Hatakeyama H Liu T Scarborough O Charaf C Henderson P Rumerio A Avetisyan T Bose C Fantasia A Heister J St John P Lawson D Lazic J Rohlf D Sperka L Sulak J Alimena S Bhattacharya D Cutts A Ferapontov U Heintz S Jabeen G Kukartsev E Laird G Landsberg M Luk M Narain D Nguyen M Segala T Sinthuprasith T Speer K V Tsang R Breedon G Breto M Calderon De La Barca Sanchez S Chauhan M Chertok J Conway R Conway P T Cox J Dolen R Erbacher M Gardner R Houtz W Ko A Kopecky R Lander T Miceli D Pellett F Riccitam B Rutherford M Searle J Smith M Squires M Tripathi R Vasquez Sierra V Andreev D Cline R Cousins J Duris S Erhan P Everaerts C Farrell J Hauser M Ignatenko C Jarvis C Plager G Rakness P Schlein P Traczyk V Valuev M Weber J Babb R Clare M E Dinardo J Ellison J W Gary F Giordano G Hanson G Y Jeng H Liu O R Long A Luthra H Nguyen S Paramesvaran J Sturdy S Sumowidagdo R Wilken S Wimpenny W Andrews J G Branson G B Cerati S Cittolin D Evans F Golf A Holzner R Kelley M Lebourgeois J Letts I Macneill B Mangano S Padhi C Palmer G Petrucciani M Pieri M Sani V Sharma S Simon E Sudano M Tadel Y Tu A Vartak S Wasserbaech F Würthwein A Yagil J Yoo D Barge R Bellan C Campagnari M D’Alfonso T Danielson K Flowers P Geffert J Incandela C Justus P Kalavase S A Koay D Kovalskyi V Krutelyov S Lowette N Mccoll V Pavlunin F Rebassoo J Ribnik J Richman R Rossin D Stuart W To C West A Apresyan A Bornheim Y Chen E Di Marco J Duarte M Gataullin Y Ma A Mott H B Newman C Rogan M Spiropulu V Timciuc J Veverka R Wilkinson Y Yang R Y Zhu B Akgun V Azzolini R Carroll T Ferguson Y Iiyama D W Jang Y F Liu M Paulini H Vogel I Vorobiev J P Cumalat B R Drell C J Edelmaier W T Ford A Gaz B Heyburn E Luiggi Lopez J G Smith K Stenson K A Ulmer S R Wagner J Alexander A Chatterjee N Eggert L K Gibbons B Heltsley A Khukhunaishvili B Kreis N Mirman G Nicolas Kaufman J R Patterson A Ryd E Salvati W Sun W D Teo J Thom J Thompson J Tucker J Vaughan Y Weng L Winstrom P Wittich D Winn S Abdullin M Albrow J Anderson L A T Bauerdick A Beretvas J Berryhill P C Bhat I Bloch K Burkett J N Butler V Chetluru H W K Cheung F Chlebana V D Elvira I Fisk J Freeman Y Gao D Green O Gutsche J Hanlon R M Harris J Hirschauer B Hooberman S Jindariani M Johnson U Joshi B Kilminster B Klima S Kunori S Kwan C Leonidopoulos J Linacre D Lincoln R Lipton J Lykken K Maeshima J M Marraffino S Maruyama D Mason P McBride K Mishra S Mrenna Y Musienko C NewmanHolmes V O’Dell O Prokofyev E SextonKennedy S Sharma W J Spalding L Spiegel P Tan L Taylor S Tkaczyk N V Tran L Uplegger E W Vaandering R Vidal J Whitmore W Wu F Yang F Yumiceva J C Yun D Acosta P Avery D Bourilkov M Chen T Cheng S Das M De Gruttola G P Di Giovanni D Dobur A Drozdetskiy R D Field M Fisher Y Fu I K Furic J Gartner J Hugon B Kim J Konigsberg A Korytov A Kropivnitskaya T Kypreos J F Low K Matchev P Milenovic G Mitselmakher L Muniz R Remington A Rinkevicius P Sellers N Skhirtladze M Snowball J Yelton M Zakaria V Gaultney S Hewamanage L M Lebolo S Linn P Markowitz G Martinez J L Rodriguez T Adams A Askew J Bochenek J Chen B Diamond S V Gleyzer J Haas S Hagopian V Hagopian M Jenkins K F Johnson H Prosper V Veeraraghavan M Weinberg M M Baarmand B Dorney M Hohlmann H Kalakhety I Vodopiyanov M R Adams I M Anghel L Apanasevich Y Bai V E Bazterra R R Betts I Bucinskaite J Callner R Cavanaugh C Dragoiu O Evdokimov L Gauthier C E Gerber D J Hofman S Khalatyan F Lacroix M Malek C O’Brien C Silkworth D Strom N Varelas U Akgun E A Albayrak B Bilki W Clarida F Duru S Griffiths JP Merlo H Mermerkaya A Mestvirishvili A Moeller J Nachtman C R Newsom E Norbeck Y Onel F Ozok S Sen E Tiras J Wetzel T Yetkin K Yi B A Barnett B Blumenfeld S Bolognesi D Fehling G Giurgiu A V Gritsan Z J Guo G Hu P Maksimovic S Rappoccio M Swartz A Whitbeck P Baringer A Bean G Benelli O Grachov R P Kenny Iii M Murray D Noonan S Sanders R Stringer G Tinti J S Wood V Zhukova A F Barfuss T Bolton I Chakaberia A Ivanov S Khalil M Makouski Y Maravin S Shrestha I Svintradze J Gronberg D Lange D Wright A Baden M Boutemeur B Calvert S C Eno J A Gomez N J Hadley R G Kellogg M Kirn T Kolberg Y Lu M Marionneau A C Mignerey K Pedro A Peterman A Skuja J Temple M B Tonjes S C Tonwar E Twedt A Apyan G Bauer J Bendavid W Busza E Butz I A Cali M Chan V Dutta G Gomez Ceballos M Goncharov K A Hahn Y Kim M Klute K Krajczar W Li P D Luckey T Ma S Nahn C Paus D Ralph C Roland G Roland M Rudolph G S F Stephans F Stöckli K Sumorok K Sung D Velicanu E A Wenger R Wolf B Wyslouch S Xie M Yang Y Yilmaz A S Yoon M Zanetti S I Cooper B Dahmes A De Benedetti G Franzoni A Gude S C Kao K Klapoetke Y Kubota J Mans N Pastika R Rusack M Sasseville A Singovsky N Tambe J Turkewitz L M Cremaldi R Kroeger L Perera R Rahmat D A Sanders E Avdeeva K Bloom S Bose J Butt D R Claes A Dominguez M Eads J Keller I Kravchenko J LazoFlores H Malbouisson S Malik G R Snow U Baur A Godshalk I Iashvili S Jain A Kharchilava A Kumar S P Shipkowski K Smith G Alverson E Barberis D Baumgartel M Chasco J Haley D Nash D Trocino D Wood J Zhang A Anastassov A Kubik N Mucia N Odell R A Ofierzynski B Pollack A Pozdnyakov M Schmitt S Stoynev M Velasco S Won L Antonelli D Berry A Brinkerhoff M Hildreth C Jessop D J Karmgard J Kolb K Lannon W Luo S Lynch N Marinelli D M Morse T Pearson R Ruchti J Slaunwhite N Valls M Wayne M Wolf B Bylsma L S Durkin C Hill R Hughes R Hughes K Kotov T Y Ling D Puigh M Rodenburg C Vuosalo G Williams B L Winer N Adam E Berry P Elmer D Gerbaudo V Halyo P Hebda J Hegeman A Hunt P Jindal D Lopes Pegna P Lujan D Marlow T Medvedeva M Mooney J Olsen P Piroué X Quan A Raval B Safdi H Saka D Stickland C Tully J S Werner A Zuranski J G Acosta E Brownson X T Huang A Lopez H Mendez S Oliveros J E Ramirez Vargas A Zatserklyaniy E Alagoz V E Barnes D Benedetti G Bolla D Bortoletto M De Mattia A Everett Z Hu M Jones O Koybasi M Kress A T Laasanen N Leonardo V Maroussov P Merkel D H Miller N Neumeister I Shipsey D Silvers A Svyatkovskiy M Vidal Marono H D Yoo J Zablocki Y Zheng S Guragain N Parashar A Adair C Boulahouache K M Ecklund F J M Geurts B P Padley R Redjimi J Roberts J Zabel B Betchart A Bodek Y S Chung R Covarelli P de Barbaro R Demina Y Eshaq A GarciaBellido P Goldenzweig J Han A Harel D C Miner D Vishnevskiy M Zielinski A Bhatti R Ciesielski L Demortier K Goulianos G Lungu S Malik C Mesropian S Arora A Barker J P Chou C ContrerasCampana E ContrerasCampana D Duggan D Ferencek Y Gershtein R Gray E Halkiadakis D Hidas A Lath S Panwalkar M Park R Patel V Rekovic J Robles K Rose S Salur S Schnetzer C Seitz S Somalwar R Stone S Thomas G Cerizza M Hollingsworth S Spanier Z C Yang A York R Eusebi W Flanagan J Gilmore T Kamon V Khotilovich R Montalvo I Osipenkov Y Pakhotin A Perloff J Roe A Safonov T Sakuma S Sengupta I Suarez A Tatarinov D Toback N Akchurin J Damgov P R Dudero C Jeong K Kovitanggoon S W Lee T Libeiro Y Roh I Volobouev E Appelt A G Delannoy C Florez S Greene A Gurrola W Johns C Johnston P Kurt C Maguire A Melo M Sharma P Sheldon B Snook S Tuo J Velkovska M W Arenton M Balazs S Boutle B Cox B Francis J Goodell R Hirosky A Ledovskoy C Lin C Neu J Wood R Yohay S Gollapinni R Harr P E Karchin C Kottachchi Kankanamge Don P Lamichhane A Sakharov M Anderson M Bachtis D Belknap L Borrello D Carlsmith M Cepeda S Dasu E Friis L Gray K S Grogg M Grothe R HallWilton M Herndon A Hervé P Klabbers J Klukas A Lanaro C Lazaridis J Leonard R Loveless A Mohapatra I Ojalvo F Palmonari G A Pierro I Ross A Savin W H Smith J Swanson
Publish Date: 2012/11/13
Volume: 2012, Issue: 11, Pages: 67-
This article is published under an open access license Please check the Copyright Information section for details of this license and what reuse is permitted If your intended use exceeds what is permitted by the license or if you are unable to locate the licence and reuse information please contact the Rights and Permissions team
Other Papers In This Journal:
- A two-tiered correlation of dark matter with missing transverse energy: reconstructing the lightest supersymmetric particle mass at the LHC
- Ultraviolet singularities in classical brane theory
- Order $ \alpha_s^2 $ magnetic penguin correction for B decay to light mesons
- Wilson lines for AdS 5 black strings
- Holographic thermalization with Weyl corrections
- Noncommutativity relations in type IIB theory and their supersymmetry
- A fresh look on three-loop sum-integrals
- Holographic Rényi entropies at finite coupling
- Detecting fourth generation quarks at hadron colliders
- Classification of effective operators for interactions between the Standard Model and dark matter
- Charged-Higgs phenomenology in the aligned two-Higgs-doublet model
- General black holes, untwisted
- SUSY stops at a bump
- Two-component dark matter
- Holographic reconstruction and renormalization in asymptotically Ricci-flat spacetimes
- First observation of the decay B s 0 → K S 0 K ∗ (892) 0 at LHCb
- Inclusive and exclusive observables from dipoles in high energy collisions
- Measurement of charm production at central rapidity in proton-proton collisions at $ \sqrt {s} = 2.76\;{\text{TeV}} $
- Covariant quantum fields on noncommutative spacetimes
- The mass-hierarchy and CP-violation discovery reach of the LBNO long-baseline neutrino experiment
- Higgs mediation with strong hidden sector dynamics
- The electroweak sector of the pMSSM in the light of LHC - 8 TeV and other data
- Radiative μ and τ leptonic decays at NLO
- The rare semi-leptonic B c decays involving orbitally excited final mesons
- How resonance-continuum interference changes 750 GeV diphoton excess: signal enhancement and peak shift
- Non-perturbative quantum geometry III
- One loop partition function of three-dimensional flat gravity
- Axino dark matter in moduli-induced baryogenesis
- The impact of non-minimally coupled gravity on vacuum stability
- Technicolor at criticality
- Noncritical Einstein-Weyl gravity and the AdS/CFT correspondence
- Non-Abelian chiral instabilities at high temperature on the lattice
- Soft triple-real radiation for Higgs production at N3LO
- The NLO QCD corrections to B c meson production in Z 0 decays
- Dark Higgs models at the 7 TeV LHC
- Littlest Higgs with T-parity: status and prospects
- Direct detection of dark matter in models with a light Z ′
- Exact results in supersymmetric field theories on manifolds with boundaries
- Boosted black string bombs
- Holographic thermalization of charged operators
- Resummation in nonlinear equation for high energy factorizable gluon density and its extension to include coherence
- The light bound states of supersymmetric SU(2) Yang-Mills theory
- Study of LHC searches for a lepton and many jets
- Schrödinger functional boundary conditions and improvement for N >3
- Scaling relations in two-dimensional relativistic hydrodynamic turbulence
- Four-quark effective operators at hadron colliders
- Nonperturbative universal Chern-Simons theory
- Intersecting branes, SUSY breaking and the 2 TeV excess at the LHC
- Intersecting branes, SUSY breaking and the 2 TeV excess at the LHC
- Practical improvements and merging of P owheg simulations for vector boson production
- Cascades with adjoint matter: adjoint transitions
- Mass effects in the Higgs-gluon coupling: boosted vs. off-shell production
- The non-minimal heterotic pure spinor string in a curved background
- Back-reaction of non-supersymmetric probes: phase transition and stability
- Strings in AdS4 × ℂℙ3, Wilson loops in $$ \mathcal{} $$ = 6 super Chern-Simons-matter and bremsstrahlung functions
- More on integrable structures of superstrings in AdS 4 × CP 3 and AdS 2 × S 2 × T 6 superbackgrounds
- Factorization and resummation of s-channel single top quark production
- Reference results for time-like evolution up to $$ \mathcal{O}\left({\alpha}_s^3\right) $$
- Global fit to three neutrino mixing: critical look at present precision
- Resurgence and the Nekrasov-Shatashvili limit: connecting weak and strong coupling in the Mathieu and Lamé systems
- GeV-scale dark matter: production at the Main Injector
- Tree-level amplitudes in the nonlinear sigma model
- Cosmological consequences of initial state entanglement
- Infrared consistency and the weak gravity conjecture
- Multi-soft theorems in gauge theory from MHV diagrams
- Some analytic results for two-loop scattering amplitudes
- Light Higgsino from axion dark radiation
- Aspects of holographic entanglement at finite temperature and chemical potential
- Argyres-Douglas theories, the Macdonald index, and an RG inequality
- Z-Sum approach to loop integrals using Taylor expansion
- Perturbative renormalization of lattice $ \mathcal{N} = 4 $ super Yang-Mills theory
- A WIMPy baryogenesis miracle
- Optimization of the Neutrino Factory, revisited
- Fake supersymmetry and extremal black holes
- On the heterotic world-sheet instanton superpotential and its individual contributions
- String formation beyond leading colour
- BCFW recursion relation with nonzero boundary contribution
- Spiky strings on I-brane
- Weak gauge boson radiation in parton showers
- Local integrals for planar scattering amplitudes
- Local integrals for planar scattering amplitudes
- Deformations of large N = (4 , 4) 2D SCFT from 3D gauged supergravity
- Systematic analysis of the B s → f 0 ℓ + ℓ − in the universal extra dimension
- The two-loop symbol of all multi-Regge regions
- Sneutrino dark matter in low-scale seesaw scenarios
- Entanglement in Fock space of random QFT states
- Spontaneous $$ \mathcal{N} $$ = 2 → $$ \mathcal{N} $$ = 1 supersymmetry breaking in supergravity and type II string theory
- Carving out parameter space in type-II two Higgs doublets model
- On form factors in $ \mathcal{N} = 4 $ SYM
- Theory and LHC phenomenology of classicalon decays
- Anomalous transport in holographic chiral superfluids via Kubo formulae
- A new spin on entanglement entropy
- Generalized black holes in three-dimensional spacetime
- On the LHCb anomaly in B → K * ℓ + ℓ −
- Muon g − 2 in anomaly mediated SUSY breaking
- Top-quark pair production at hadron colliders: differential cross section and phenomenological applications with DiffTop
- A basis of dimension-eight operators for anomalous neutral triple gauge boson interactions
- Holography of AdS vacuum bubbles
- How robust is a thermal photon interpretation of the ALICE low- p T data?
- Mass renormalization in string theory: special states
- 3-cocycles, non-associative star-products and the magnetic paradigm of R -flux string vacua
- On the U(1) duality anomaly and the S-matrix of $ \mathcal{N} $ = 4 supergravity
- Ground states of duality-twisted sigma-models with K 3 target space
- Finite-volume spectra of the Lee-Yang model
- R 2 vertices for the effective ggH theory
- Instability by Chern-Simons and/or transgressions
- The constancy of ζ in single-clock Inflation at all loops
- SL(2) sector: weak/strong coupling agreement of three-point correlators
- Single electron emission in two-phase xenon with application to the detection of coherent neutrino-nucleus scattering
- OPE of the pseudoscalar gluonium correlator in massless QCD to three-loop order
- Spectrum-doubled heavy vector bosons at the LHC
- Neutrino masses from new generations
- Fermionic vacuum polarization by a cosmic string in de Sitter spacetime
- Holography and ARPES sum-rules
- Asymptotic safety and the cosmological constant
- Electroweak phase transitions in the secluded U(1)′-extended MSSM
- U(1) symmetries in F-theory GUTs with multiple sections
- The coset spin-4 Casimir operator and its three-point functions with scalars
- Scaling dimensions of monopole operators in the $$ \mathbb{C}{\mathrm{\mathbb{P}}}^{N_b-1} $$ theory in 2 + 1 dimensions
- On flux quantization in F-theory
- Renormalization group evolution of the Standard Model dimension six operators III: gauge coupling dependence and phenomenology
- Global symmetries and D -terms in supersymmetric field theories
- Reggeon field theory for large Pomeron loops
- Cascade textures and SUSY SO(10) GUT
- Strong-coupling scales and the graph structure of multi-gravity theories
- Time evolution of entanglement entropy in quenched holographic superconductors
- Bubbling the newly grown black ring hair
- Exploring the new phase transition of CDT
- β -deformed matrix model and Nekrasov partition function
- Magnetized domain walls in the deconfined Sakai-Sugimoto model at finite Baryon density
- The elusive gluon
- Argyres-Douglas theories and S -duality
- Holographic heavy quark symmetry
- Decoupling constant for α s and the effective gluon-Higgs coupling to three loops in supersymmetric QCD
- P − V criticality of charged AdS black holes
- On the beaming of gluonic fields at strong coupling
- Spin-5 Casimir operator its three-point functions with two scalars
- Gluing branes — I
- S-duality, triangle groups and modular anomalies in $$ \mathcal{N}=2 $$ SQCD
- Borcherds and Kac-Moody extensions of simple finite-dimensional Lie algebras
- Two-loop helicity amplitudes for the production of two off-shell electroweak bosons in gluon fusion
- Majorana dark matter in a classically scale invariant model
- Naturally large radiative lepton flavor violating Higgs decay mediated by lepton-flavored dark matter
- Non-perturbative λΦ 4 in D = 1 + 1: an example of the constructive quantum field theory approach in a schematic way
- Muon conversion to electron in nuclei in type-I seesaw models
- Fermions and D = 11 supergravity on squashed Sasaki-Einstein manifolds
- Matter density perturbations in modified teleparallel theories
- Time-reversal symmetry violation in several Lepton-Flavor-Violating processes
- Gravitino dark matter with constraints from Higgs boson mass and sneutrino decays
- Logarithmic corrections to $$ \mathcal{N} = {4} $$ and $$ \mathcal{N} = {8} $$ black hole entropy: a one loop test of quantum gravity
- Scalar three-point functions in a CDL background
- Parity violation in graviton non-gaussianity
- LHC searches for non-chiral weakly charged multiplets
- On the new massive gravity and AdS/CFT
- A quasi-finite basis for multi-loop Feynman integrals
- SL(2, Z) symmetries, supermembranes and symplectic torus bundles
- D-brane scattering and annihilation
- Fluctuations in finite density holographic quantum liquids
- Global properties of causal wedges in asymptotically AdS spacetimes
- Towards minimal S 4 lepton flavor model
- Perturbative analysis in higher-spin theories
- Top-quark initiated processes at high-energy hadron colliders
- Superstring amplitudes and the associator
- Reformulating the TBA equations for the quark anti-quark potential and their two loop expansion
- Non-relativistic matrix inflation
- Muon anomalous magnetic moment and positron excess at AMS-02 in a gauged horizontal symmetric model
- On the spectrum of direct gaugino mediation
- Standard model vacuum stability and Weyl consistency conditions
- Supersymmetric intersecting branes on the waves
- MSSM-like models on $ {{\mathbb{Z}}_8} $ toroidal orbifolds
- h → Zγ in the complex two Higgs doublet model
- Transport properties of spacetime-filling branes
- One-loop helicity amplitudes for top quark pair production in Randall-Sundrum model
- Strong tW scattering at the LHC
- SU(5) heterotic Standard Model bundles
- Dualities for 3d theories with tensor matter
- On a modular property of $ \mathcal{N}=2 $ superconformal theories in four dimensions
- $ \mathcal{N} $ =1 SUSY AdS4 vacua in IIB SUGRA on group manifolds
- W and Z / γ ∗ boson production in association with a bottom-antibottom pair
- S-wave superconductivity in anisotropic holographic insulators
- Universal entanglement and boundary geometry in conformal field theory
- $$ {K}^{+}\to {\pi}^{+}\nu \overline{\nu} $$ and KL→π0νν¯$$ {K}_L\to {\pi}^0\nu \overline{\nu} $$ in the Standard Model: status and perspectives
- Erratum: Back reaction, emission spectrum and entropy spectroscopy
- Conformally coupled scalar black holes admit a flat horizon due to axionic charge
- Super-Yang-Mills and M5-branes
- Nonperturbative studies of supersymmetric matrix quantum mechanics with 4 and 8 supercharges at finite temperature
- What the Tevatron found?
- Probe of anomalous quartic WWZγ couplings in photon-photon collisions
- Simplified R-symmetry breaking and low-scale gauge mediation
- A special road to AdS vacua
- Perturbative tests of non-perturbative counting
- The capacity of black holes to transmit quantum information
- Information loss problem and a ‘black hole’ model with a closed apparent horizon
- Shape dependence of entanglement entropy in conformal field theories
- Exact results for vortex loop operators in 3d supersymmetric theories
- Quantum folded string and integrability: from finite size effects to Konishi dimension
- Holomorphic Yukawa couplings in heterotic string theory
- Resummation prediction on the jet mass spectrum in one-jet inclusive production at the LHC
- Low-energy photon and pion scattering in holographic QCD
- Rigid D6-branes on $ {{{{T^6}}} \left/ {{\left( {{Z_2} \times {Z_{2M}} \times \Omega \mathcal{R}} \right)}} \right.} $ with discrete torsion
- Hexagon remainder function in the limit of self-crossing up to three loops
- Ω-deformation and quantization
- On holographic insulators and supersolids
- A nonperturbative proof of Dijkgraaf-Vafa conjecture
- Ioffe times in DIS from a dipole model fit
- The stringy instanton partition function
- A proposal of a fine tuning free formulation of 4d $ \mathcal{N} = 4 $ super Yang-Mills
- Comments on observables for identity-based marginal solutions in Berkovits’ superstring field theory
- Weak gravity strongly constrains large-field axion inflation
- Quantum gravity: mixed states from diffeomorphism anomalies
- Worldsheet factorization for twistor-strings
- Hypermultiplet metric and D-instantons
- Stochastic background of gravitational waves from fermions — Theory and applications
- Generalised geometrical CP violation in a T ′ lepton flavour model
- On the Coulomb and Higgs branch formulae for multi-centered black holes and quiver invariants
- Planck constant as spectral parameter in integrable systems and KZB equations
- Null to time-like infinity Green’s functions for asymptotic symmetries in Minkowski spacetime
- Towards a holographic realization of Homes’ law
- $$ \mathcal{O}\left({\alpha}_S^2\right) $$ corrections to the running top-Yukawa coupling and the mass of the lightest Higgs boson in the MSSM
- Generations: three prints, in colour
- Thin-shell bubbles and information loss problem in anti de Sitter background
- On S-duality of 5d super Yang-Mills on S 1
- Lunin-Maldacena backgrounds from the classical Yang-Baxter equation — towards the gravity/CYBE correspondence
- Line operators on $ {S^{{1}}} \times {\mathbb{R}^{{3}}} $ and quantization of the Hitchin moduli space
- Lepton-specific two Higgs doublet model as a solution of muon g − 2 anomaly
- Measurement of the relative rate of prompt χc0, χc1 and χc2 production at $ \sqrt{s}=7 $ TeV
- 750 GeV diphotons: implications for supersymmetric unification
- A minimal model for SU( N ) vector dark matter
- Instanton effects in orientifold ABJM theory
- M-brane models from non-abelian gerbes
- Higgs friends and counterfeits at hadron colliders
- Asymptotic energy dependence of hadronic total cross sections from lattice QCD
- A proper fixed functional for four-dimensional Quantum Einstein Gravity
- Annihilation rate of 2 −+ charmonium and bottomonium
- f ( R ) gravities, Killing spinor equations, “BPS” domain walls and cosmology
- Constraining sterile neutrinos using reactor neutrino experiments
- Chiral algebras of class $$ \mathcal{} $$
- Antenna subtraction at NNLO with hadronic initial states: double real radiation for initial-initial configurations with two quark flavours
- Implications of light charginos for Higgs observables, LHC searches and dark matter
- On $\mathcal{N} = 2$ truncations of IIB on T1,1
- A note on on-shell recursion relation of string amplitudes
- Refined stable pair invariants for E-, M- and [ p , q ]-strings
- Auxiliary gauge mediation: a new route to mini-split supersymmetry
- Primordial gravity wave background anisotropies
- Revisiting the Y = 0 open spin chain at one loop
- Spin 3/2 particle as a dark matter candidate: an effective field theory approach