Authors: Lizu Liu Muneaki Ishijima Haruka Kaneko Ippei Futami Ryo Sadatsuki Shinnosuke Hada Anwarjan Yusup Yukio Shimura Mitsuaki Kubota Yoshitomo Saita Yuji Takazawa Hiroshi Ikeda Hisashi Kurosawa Kazuo Kaneko
Publish Date: 2013/08/07
Volume: 32, Issue: 2, Pages: 192-199
The objective indicators which reflect the past results of endstage knee osteoarthritis OA patients who have already received total knee arthroplasty TKA could be helpful for physicians to discuss with patients who are considering TKA The aim of this prospective cohort study was to examine whether we could predict the knee OA patients who would receive TKA in advance based on baseline data and to set cutoff points for receiving TKA The twohundred and forty endstage medialtype knee OA patients were enrolled and followed up for 6 months while performing therapeutic exercises Radiographic findings visual analog scale for pain and a patientoriented outcome measure the Japanese Knee Osteoarthritis Measure JKOM were recorded at baseline Relative risks RRs using the area under the curve AUC for a receiver operating characteristic ROC curve were calculated to evaluate several scores for receiving TKA While 119 patients 553 did not undergo TKA the remaining 96 patients 447 underwent TKA during this period The AUCs of the ROC curve for the JKOM total score 071 95 CI 064–079 were higher than those for radiographic parameters Among the JKOM subcategories JKOM category III which indicates the condition in daily life showed the highest AUC of 072 065–080 The JKOM total score 65/100 and JKOM category III score 17/40 showed RRs of 220 133–363 and 195 118–322 for receiving TKA respectively The presence of disability in daily living was found to be an important factor determining whether the patient should undergo TKAWe wish to thank for Dr Takayuki Kawasaki for his valuable help in data collection This study was funded in part by a High Technology Research Center Grant from the Ministry of Education Culture Sports Science and Technology Japan to MI and KK