Authors: Monica Cepoiu Jane McCusker Martin G Cole Maida Sewitch Antonio Ciampi
Publish Date: 2007/01/11
Volume: 22, Issue: 5, Pages: 559-564
In a cohort of 264 medical inpatients 65 years and older 115 with major or minor depression 78 with no depression sensitivities specificities and diagnostic odds ratios DOR of 4 indicators of recognition symptoms diagnosis treatment and referral and a global measure of recognition any of the 4 indicators were calculated The associations between patient characteristics age sex history of depression antidepressant use before admission severity of depression comorbidity duration of hospitalization disability and hospital of admission and recognition were explored using multiple logistic regressionLess than half of the depressed patients were recognized The indicator with the highest sensitivity was treatment 278 95 confidence interval CI 200–370 whereas the indicator with the best specificity was diagnosis 966 95 CI 919–987 The unadjusted DOR of global recognition was 26 95 CI 15 44 Less comorbidity more severe depression symptoms a history of depression longer hospital stay and antidepressant use before admission were significantly associated with better global recognition