Authors: Stephen D Persell Donald M LloydJones Elisha M Friesema Andrew J Cooper David W Baker
Publish Date: 2012/11/11
Volume: 28, Issue: 4, Pages: 554-560
Patients of participating physicians with a Framingham Risk Score of at least 5 lowdensity lipoprotein LDLcholesterol level above guideline threshold for drug treatment and not prescribed a lipidlowering medication were included in the intentiontotreat analysisFourteen physicians with 218 patients were randomized to intervention and 15 physicians with 217 patients to control The mean patient age was 607 years and 77 were male There was no difference in the primary outcome 110 vs 111 OR 099 95 CI 056–174 P = 096 but intervention group patients were twice as likely to receive a prescription for lipidlowering medication 119 vs 60 OR 213 95 CI 105–432 p = 0038 In post hoc analysis with extended followup to 18 months the primary outcome occurred more often in the intervention group 225 vs 161 OR 159 95 CI 105–241 P = 0029In this effectiveness trial individualized mailed CVD risk messages increased the frequency of new lipidlowering drug prescriptions but we observed no difference in proportions lowering LDLcholesterol after 9 months With longer followup the intervention’s effect on LDLcholesterol levels was apparent