Authors: N P Kurian N Nirupama M Baba K V Thomas
Publish Date: 2008/08/27
Volume: 48, Issue: 2, Pages: 259-273
Coastal flooding occurs due to storm surges generated by tropical and extratropical cyclones on the globe The meteorological forcing fields for the generation of storm surges are the tangential surface wind stress on the ocean surface and the normal atmospheric pressure gradients associated with the weather systems The large scale forcing from the cyclones is referred to as the synoptic scale and storm surge prediction from synoptic scale forcing is well developed and is reasonably satisfactory around the world However coastal flooding also occurs from weather systems with forcing on a mesoscale and also from remote forcing It is proposed here that the term “Storm surge” be used to only refer to coastal flooding from synoptic scale forcing and the terminology “Rissaga” be used for coastal flooding from mesoscale forcing For flooding due to remote forcing a new term “Kallakkadal” is proposedThe authors are thankful to Dr TS Murty for the guidance and encouragement given for the work and for the critical scrutiny of the manuscript Drs AD Rao and Ramana Murthy are thanked for useful discussions The assistance provided by Ms Kalarani AK Resmi and Gopika R Nair in the preparation of the manuscript is acknowledged