Authors: Zhen Xu Xinzheng Lu Hong Guan Yuan Tian Aizhu Ren
Publish Date: 2015/10/07
Volume: 80, Issue: 2, Pages: 935-950
In addition to earthquakeinduced structural collapse hazards related to falling exterior nonstructural components of buildings have also been recognized as a significant safety problem A novel simulation method is proposed herein to reduce such type of hazard which has rarely been studied in the existing literature Using a multistory concentratedmass shear model and specific falling criteria for exterior nonstructural components the hazard ranges of falling objects in a building group are simulated The uncertainty of ground motion is considered via the incremental dynamic analyses Thus the distribution probabilities of falling objects during the design life of a building group can be predicted A residential community area is considered as a case study for calculating the distribution probabilities of falling objects over a design period of 50 years and for selecting a suitable and safe site for an emergency shelter This study is expected to provide a useful reference for emergency and disaster managementThe authors are grateful for the financial support received from the National Key Technology RD Program No 2015BAK14B02 the National Natural Science Foundation of China Nos 51578320 51308321 and National Nonprofit Institute Research Grant of IGPCEA Grant No DQJB14C01