Authors: Yi Xue Feng Gao Xingguang Liu
Publish Date: 2015/07/02
Volume: 79, Issue: 2, Pages: 999-1013
Coal and gas outburst disasters in coal seams are becoming more serious as coal mines extend deeper underground in China Damage evolution has affected gas flow in coal seam greatly which also controls gas permeation and gas extraction results and finally it has tremendous influence on prevention and control of gas disaster accidents In this paper the cracking process of coal under compressive stress condition and the permeability variation during the whole process is experimentally studied with the aid of 3D acoustic emission monitoring system The experimental results suggest that the coal failure and degradation of mechanical properties are essentially related to the propagation and coalescence of induced cracks Using a damage tensor defined by the directiondependent crack density the damage evolution during the whole loading process is studied It is revealed that the damage evolution is mainly initiated with the appearance of microcracks and accelerated in the postpeak region During the postpeak region a similar increase tendency of damage and permeability is noticed and therefore a postpeak permeability model is proposed considering the influence of damage evolution on the permeability variation in the postpeak region Finally we analyze the gas outburst hazard with coal mining There exists a transition zone around the vertical stress concentration and energetic failure may result in this transition zone