Authors: Robert B Bartelt Brandon J Yuan Robert T Trousdale Rafael J Sierra
Publish Date: 2010/04/28
Volume: 468, Issue: 9, Pages: 2346-2356
Groin pain after total hip arthroplasty THA or total hip resurfacing arthroplasty can be troubling for patients and surgeons Potential sources of pain include infection loosening metal hypersensitivity or impingement of bony structures or the iliopsoas tendonWe identified 347 334 patients primary total hip n = 301 or resurfacing n = 46 arthroplasties Complete preoperative operative and postoperative data were available for 282 hips We retrospectively reviewed the charts for the presence or absence of groin pain at a minimum of 1 year after surgery with a specific focus on etiologic factors The minimum followup was 12 months mean 14 months range 12 to 24 monthsThe rate of groin pain was 7 15 of 217 patients after THA with conventional bearing surfaces 15 4 of 26 patients with metalonmetal THA and 18 7 of 39 patients with total hip resurfacing Younger patients were more likely to report groin pain postoperatively and more likely to have metalonmetal bearing surfacesOur data at shortterm followup suggest increased rates of groin pain after metalonmetal THA or resurfacing arthroplasty versus THA using polyethylene or ceramic bearing surfaces The reasons are not clear but they appear to be associated with younger age Potential factors include impingement activity level and possibly higher expectations for patients receiving metalonmetal bearing surfaces that may make those patients more likely to report postoperative painOne or more of the authors RTT RJS has received funding from DePuy Wright Medical Technologies or Biomet The institution of the authors has received funding from DePuy Zimmer and Stryker Each author certifies that he or she has or may receive payments or benefits from a commercial entity related to this work