Authors: Alberto Gobbi Vivek Mahajan Georgios Karnatzikos Norimasa Nakamura
Publish Date: 2011/06/11
Volume: 470, Issue: 3, Pages: 824-834
Despite a number of studies comparing postoperative stability and function after anatomic doublebundle and singlebundle anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction ACLR it remains unclear whether doublebundle reconstruction improves stability or functionWe prospectively followed 60 patients with an isolated anterior cruciate ligament ACL injury Thirty patients underwent singlebundle and 30 patients underwent doublebundle ACL reconstruction Clinically we assessed stability and range of motion ROM anteroposterior stability was assessed by Rolimeter and rotational stability by a pivot shift test Function was assessed by IKDC Noyes Lysholm Marx and Tegner activity scales The minimum followup was 36 months mean 462 months range 36–60 monthsResidual anteroposterior laxity at 3 years postoperatively was similar in both groups 14 ± 03 mm versus 14 ± 02 mm respectively We observed no difference in the pivot shift test ROM was similar in both groups although doublebundle patients required more physical therapy sessions to gain full ROM IKDC Noyes Lysholm Marx and Tegner scores were similar at final followupEach author certifies that his or her institution approved the human protocol for this investigation that all investigations were conducted in conformity with ethical principles of research and that informed consent for participation in the study was obtainedWe thank Dr Celeste Scotti for evaluating all patients preoperatively and at 3 6 12 24 and 36 months postoperatively We also thank Dr Somanna Malchira for his help in preparing the manuscript We also thank Andrea Primo professional statistician for statistical analysis of our study