Authors: Jeremy T Smith Anne H Johnson James D Heckman
Publish Date: 2011/02/17
Volume: 469, Issue: 5, Pages: 1498-1501
A 41yearold male professional tennis coach sustained a minimally displaced fracture of the os peroneum He was treated with restricted weightbearing for 2 weeks followed by physical therapy and gradual return to activities He returned to tennis 8 weeks after injury Followup 7 years after the injury showed he had full strength full motion and a radiographically healed os peroneum The American Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society AOFAS AnkleHindfoot Scale score was 100 and Ankle Activity Score and Tegner Activity Level Scale were unchanged from those before injuryFracture of the os peroneum is a rare injury and treatment recommendations are based largely on very small series and case reports Proposed treatment strategies for fracture of the os peroneum include nonoperative treatment fixation of the fracture excision of the bone with direct repair of the tendon and tenodesis of the peroneus longus to the peroneus brevis